Post session "Clean up"

sparrow1122's Avatar
This was discussed in the Mens Lounge and asked to be posted were so the good looking half can comment.

I had a particularly wild session (at her incall/house) that included the use of a lot of slippery oils and other products. Once done, I hopped in the shower to get rid of the oil and the smells. She had bodywash and shampoo available both that were heavily fragranced. I washed and rinsed and rinsed.

I left to go see clients and then home at the end of the day. All day I wondered if anyone could smell the list of fragrances that were recently covering me.

One guy suggested splashing gas on me to override the scents. I actually paused to think about it. Others said to bring your own soap, Dove to be exact.

Guys - what do you recommend if you did not bring your own and you leave smelling freshly fucked?

Ladies - Your thoughts? Should we bring our own? Wear the scent as a badge of honor?
Grace Preston's Avatar
In my incall, we keep a couple of manly smelling soaps. Beyond that, if you have a bloodhound for a wife and only use a particular soap, I'd suggest bringing your own. I have a long term regular who carries his gym bag in each time, complete with his preferred brand of soap.
It should be a no brainier to ask before ever using scented anything on a guy. But your lesson from this is to request unscented products only before arriving.
Just rub lemon juice all over yourself.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I have several different body washes, plus Dial soap and Irish Spring.

On very rare occasions, I'll have a client bring his own or make a request.

If you have a SO/wife/GF who is of a suspicious nature, you have to figure out if showering during the day is a normal thing (do you regularly go to the gym?) or she is going to wonder why you're cleaner than usual coming home.

All of these things you should consider if you're going to be sneaky about things.

Us older ladies (Grace isn't an older lady but I'll include her in the mix!) will generally have a lot of different soaps, etc., to choose from. If you're unsure, or meeting at a hotel, then figure out the cleanup (if it's even an issue) before you arrive.

Seems like a lot to think about but I've had this discussion with men over the years.

It's an important thing to consider.

Good topic.

Happy holidays!!!

  • EZ.
  • 12-12-2014, 08:38 AM
As a boy, I got too close to the ass end of a skunk. My dad had me wash with tomatoes to remove the smell.
sparrow1122's Avatar
I hear ya on the pre planning. I will keep a gym bag full of ( roma? Beefsteak? Early Girl?)

The oil and slippery stuff came out during a very heated time so I rolled with it.

Elizabeth, no problem with the SO if I shower or even use hotel soap. This instance was heavily scented bodywash that seemed like it had moisturizer in it "clung" after rinsing.

Good news though, no clients or SO said "Hey, did you just come from a French whorehouse?"
  • Sami
  • 12-12-2014, 09:44 AM
I have always stocked several different soaps & aerosol deodorants. I have gentleman that use the girly soap, because thats what their wives uses. If some went home smelling manly, the wife will be suspicious or vise versa. Most ladies that been in this world get this. I for one do not want to have a suspicious wife on my ass NO MORE than he does.

If you can only use a certain soap, maybe buy some hide it for future visits. I have a gentleman who brings a little travel bag everytime he visits. I asked him where he hides it? He said under the spare tire, wife would never go there. You can never be too careful!
I have a few different types of body washes including unsented and a nice warm rub down style coed shower is aways offered.
Hercules's Avatar
I prefer to go home wreaking of strange...turns the wife on.
I have fragrant free, unisex, and man wash...kinda thought it was part of the profession along with lingerie, heels, and condoms. No man wants to smell like Amber Romance .
TexasCowboy's Avatar
The pleasures of being single and getting to see the beautiful women on here....
gladius82's Avatar
I usually carry my own addition I keep a bottle of Febreze in the car in case I go to some place full of smoke but if I am really desperate the gas on the hands trick works well in addition there are no questions when you come in and go straight to wash up.
I work with KellyTNT and we keep unscented soap for the guys to use, and we have unscented spray on deodorant, as well as some standard mouth wash for our gentlemen to use. We do tend to use some basic lube at times, but it doesn't have a flavor or smell (I can't handle fragrant things much myself, and I definitely don't want to taste anything like that), and everything is water soluble, so it comes off easy in the shower.

The soap we use to do the laundry doesn't have a strong scent either, so the towels they dry off with do not have a scent that lingers.

We try to be as "wife/SO friendly" as possible.

I wore perfume the other day out of habit, since I've been in school for a while, and luckily I just spray it on my clothes, and it is a light scent. Thankfully it wasn't an issue with the client and I made sure not to hug him on his way out the door.
Laura Lynn's Avatar
I've always offer unscented body wash and a men's body wash like Dial for 3-in-1 for men.

As one of those "bloodhound" ladies, my suggestion is that if you use a specific type of soap/deodorant, maybe you should create a small "gym" bag to keep in your trunk with little bottles of your products or ask the lady your visiting if she has unscented.