What does “Verified” actually mean?

boomvang's Avatar
This is a first for me and I’ve been around a long time. Let’s say I was in a frugal mood we’ll call it. So I went in search of the bargains you find sometimes on that big list we all know about. This is the highly abridged version of this story. It’s all true and some of it can actually be backed up with tangible facts.
So, I did I contacted a woman from the list. During the session she mentioned to me that she was going to be on ECCIE and told me the user name she intended to use, Long Long story short, when she left she took a few things with her without my permission, to the tune of around $500. Well it pissed me off more than a little bit. So I logged in and I’ll be damned there she was in “Welcome and Introductions – Dallas” She was and still is listed as a “Registered Member”. She told me that she would be “Verified” before long. I’ve been on aspd or ECCIE for the past 10 years or so. I’m a P411 member with a bunch of Okays. I thought I’ll just tell a Mod the story and stop her from being verified. I’ve been around forever they’ll listen to me. So Eventually I wrote 4 of them and all 4 of them replied. They know all the details and they have listened, replied, and have not told me I should just shut. But as far as satisfaction Nada. She’ll be released amongst you trusting gentlemen without an asterisk or even a check mark by her name. My reputation against hers wasn’t what I thought it would be. The mods were all sympathetic good guys and they read and responded to all emails I wrote. But thus far there is nothing I can do to keep this thieving witch from becoming “Verified”. Suddenly back page and the list don’t seem as risky as they did before; it’s all the same women. Apparently as long as you can get one us to vouch for you you’re in. But of course a group like us could never be influenced, by a woman with a past transgression. I could be cheesy and post a definition of the word. I won't, but I can say Verified is a load of crap and be much closer to what it means here.
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
Bust out with it. Or PM me her name please. I dont want to accidentally end up seeing her. Hell I dont even want to look at her showcase. You've always seemed like a straight up dude on here on not one to make up bullshit.
boomvang's Avatar
Bust out with it. Or PM me her name please. I dont want to accidentally end up seeing her. Hell I dont even want to look at her showcase. You've always seemed like a straight up dude on here on not one to make up bullshit. Originally Posted by threepeckeredbillygoat
Threepeckeredbillygoat, Thank you sir for the compliment. I knew that this was going to come up and it did really fast. I don't think anyone that reads this board even on a monthly basis could keep from knowing I was outed late last year, For some you that could have been devastating, but for me it wasn't that big of deal for various reasons. In all the time and communications I have come to the conclusion that my outing was a mistake inside ECCIE. I was guilty of what I was accused and the provider I had done wrong let me have it. With quite a bit of information that she thought would stay in the Powder Room. Everyone has heard the story, but that info was stolen by some folks outside of ECCIE. Apparently getting into the powder room isn't as difficult for them as it is for me. So now I'm a bad boy. The provider as yet haven't kissed but we have made up. I have corrected my behaviour and she I believe even posted something in there nice about me. Did that get posted on escortabuse.com hell no and not a single law firm contacted me because someone had said I wasn't really all that bad.

Anyway I had to tell that story again to set this up. She has not been verified as yet. I think that is probably more her procrastination or maybe she doesn't have the one friend she needs yet. So I am going to keep my mouth shut for the time being. I am watching closely and when and if she is verified I will write a tell all review. I really was very surprised that long time member has absolutely no influence on the this woman becoming verified. It's just something new to worry about. I've been around here a long time I think may have said that. I was mistaken by a false sense of security that the word verified meant the same thing here as it does in the other world that I sometimes visit. Gentlemen watch your asses, because "Verified Provider" is BULL SHIT
KittyLamour's Avatar
Damn Boomvang... I am sorry that happened to you... You are a great guy and a good friend. Do what you need to do and I am sure the men will appreciate your honest review. Why don't you go ahead and write it now so that is will be attached to her handle? Then when she is verified it will already be there? I think that is how it works... I may be mistaken.
bored@home's Avatar
What does “Verified” actually mean?
I do not think waiting or trying to block the "verified" status is the best play in this case. For example, sometimes I take the plunge on the new members, it is a risk and now with a unknown thief out there it ups the risk even more.
I would say the encounter is review worthy and deserves a No. Detail out the visit in a review including the thievery. I always look at reviews and once I read she has sticky fingers she will always be on my boycott list, verified or not.
I have to ask this question (so please forgive me in advance) - did she steal your stereo?

and....was it a Kenwood?
I think you should review her, too. She'll probably deny it but its your experience. SOMETHING obviously happened between you two and even tho there are two sides to a story, I can't recall you being vindictive here.
KittyLamour's Avatar
I have to ask this question (so please forgive me in advance) - did she steal your stereo?

and....was it a Kenwood? Originally Posted by SD2011
Wow. That was so funny I forgot to laugh.
theboss21422's Avatar
If not going to reveal who why tell, if you wanted to "get it off your chest" write a letter to her or to ever, cause basically you allowing her to rob another and since you put it out here its like you robbing us too
Chung Tran's Avatar
I think I know who the provider is, I contacted her about a review special...

she said she gives a five-finger discount
KittyLamour's Avatar
I think I know who the provider is, I contacted her about a review special...

she said she gives a five-finger discount Originally Posted by Chung Tran

Now that WAS funny!!! LMAO

For those that want to know, here is the How to get verifyed post.

Best you can do is a review of her with a big no. and maybe an alert as she stole your properity. Why not name her? Its not like your going to see her again.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 09-24-2013, 08:50 AM
I have to ask this question (so please forgive me in advance) - did she steal your stereo?

and....was it a Kenwood? Originally Posted by SD2011
I doubt those older systems sell for 500, It would be nice to know who the thief is, lot's of providers have been stealing from members here in one form or another.
pyramider's Avatar
If you treat the taint well personal items do not disappear.
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 09-24-2013, 12:06 PM
Verified means that people have risked to see her and have vouched that she isn't LE. At least in theory. The system has holes, we all know it. It does NOT mean she is a GOOD provider, it does NOT mean she is an honest business woman... or won't walk away with your stuff or steal your car given the chance.

Boomvang - Write her a review. Help her get verified.
Be honest in what happened and let it be linked to her account. Leave her transgressions there on her report card.