What's the date average financial gift for New Orleans Sugar Babies or Seeking Arrangement?

With stocks and bonds, it's called the bid/ask spread...the difference between the highest price to buy and the lowest price to sell so I'm asking what the average price is that Sugar Daddies actually pay and the average price that Sugar Babies will take for one date.

Some Seeking Arrangement dates ask for $500 just for lunch but ladies, are you really getting that? Is there a big or small gap between what you ask and what you actually receive? How many guys out there pay $5,000 a month for a Seeking Arrangement or Sugar Baby? Anybody actually pay $500 just for lunch?
I've been wondering the same thing. It seems its a little cheaper than eccie. You get slightly more time for slightly less money. The girls that have been posted are average in looks though. I'm wondering about the hot ones (the ones which seem real, not bots/scams).

If they get anything close to what they are asking though, I guess I'm stuck playing the penny stocks.
I have 3 SBs at present, and all 3 are hot looking. With 2 of them, I pay 200 each time we meet for 2-3 hours of sex. I pay for the room, and I may buy lunch if we both have time in the day. So maybe 300 if you count everything. For the third woman, all she wants is 900 a month. We meet and I pay her 300 for first 3 times. After that it is free sex for the rest of the month, and we may meet 2 or more times a week at her place. Those are what I look for, in that 200-300 range. You can find it, and when you do, run with it for as long as it lasts. Sure there are women there that want a lot more, but I wont go more. No need. How could I afford three of them if I paid them each 500 or more?
brownfish's Avatar
Between $100 -$250 ..2-5 hrs .
I have 3 SBs at present, and all 3 are hot looking. With 2 of them, I pay 200 each time we meet for 2-3 hours of sex. I pay for the room, and I may buy lunch if we both have time in the day. So maybe 300 if you count everything. For the third woman, all she wants is 900 a month. We meet and I pay her 300 for first 3 times. After that it is free sex for the rest of the month, and we may meet 2 or more times a week at her place. Those are what I look for, in that 200-300 range. You can find it, and when you do, run with it for as long as it lasts. Sure there are women there that want a lot more, but I wont go more. No need. How could I afford three of them if I paid them each 500 or more? Originally Posted by mriley000
Any pics you're willing to share in public? Still seems pricey man, we don't all have that budget.
Any pics you're willing to share in public? Still seems pricey man, we don't all have that budget. Originally Posted by radio109
They are not gonna be shared, no.

Not sure how that is pricey. A legit eccie provider is the same price, but for an hour. I am getting 3 hours. And this is total GFE.
holmes50's Avatar
My limited time with SA/SB for the most part you get way more time as BF and mriley stated. Have your price point and stick to it. Also, I found you got to be specific in what you expect...........on here you kinda know what to expect. For SA/SB arrangements or meets for some you've got spell it out for them.

I had one who wanted $200 to meet and IF she was interested then it would be another $400 to go further. Told her good luck, 3 weeks later she wants to meet at no charge. Uh passed.
They are not gonna be shared, no.

Not sure how that is pricey. A legit eccie provider is the same price, but for an hour. I am getting 3 hours. And this is total GFE. Originally Posted by mriley000
I understand Milt, no worries. I lost a GEM from sharing pics, I won't make that mistake again.

I misread your post I thought you were paying 300hr. That actually sounds pretty sweet, especially the 900 deal.