For all married guys and gals, do you remember

wildwing's Avatar
what it was like in your better days when it came to sex. In a previous thread, dawgs were saying that most of not all providers were faking it. I think there can be different levels of orgasms from pure bliss to just feeling fulfilled. I've been married a long time. I can keenly remember how much we wanted to get each other off. Experimenting, trying new things, to eventually we knew exactly what buttons to push. Usually a session would last 2-3 hours, sweating like pigs cause we would not really slow down to finally we end up in CG our favorite but in the end we would both get off twice. Now if this is what you are comparing a one hour session to with a new provider, that's not going to happen much. I know I have been with three providers who wanted to cum and did, toy assisted.
Sex at the beginning of being a couple is always great. Men tend to stop the romance and attention, women stop with great sex. If we worked half as hard to keep our togetherness going as we did to get our mate, we would be happy with our marriages. Women do not respond well and lose interest in making their men satisfied. Even when I picked romance still no sexy time. We would have sex but not that mind blowing stuff, it felt like her obligation. If a woman made half an effort to make me happy I respond with so much. Women want to feel wanted , so do men. I have a friend who appears to be very happily married for over 20 years. When asked what is their secret, both respond that she fucks him whenever he wants and she continues to dress up, role play, and all the nasty shit he likes. The result equals a happy marriage. He adores her, and worships her. Usually about six months in having a gf she stops wearing sexy clothes and doing bjs and so on.
Agrees with Boudin once the fascination stage wares off things tend to become bland if both people don't make an effort to nurture the relationship and the sex life.
I think another thing gets in the way of great sex with a SO, resentment. Men and women harbor it until it turns to bitterness which by that point is almost impossible to recover from. Men become passive aggressive and look outside the marriage and women become vindictive towards their mate. There are variations on that of course but it always comes back to some form of resentment. I see it all the time in my work. Bottom line sometimes the work of keeping a healthy marriage is just exactly that, work. But both parties have to be invested.
wildwing's Avatar
My SO is a great person and I would be lost without her. She is more comfortable at our age to not have sex. I am sort of wanting to do it again with her but it can't be the same. Anyway been thinking of retiring from the hobby and just become an AMP dawg. That being said, from the female'perspective, I would wonder if getting a multihour session with a provider does the expectations of that provider become more focused, meaning would it be easier to become into it? Don't know if I am conveighing my meaning very well.
tornado82's Avatar
Let's just say my worst session with a provider was better than my best session with my SO
albundy's Avatar
When my wife actually fucked me and got into it, it was better than it could ever be with a provider. No rubber, total wetness, REAL feelings.

Of course, those days are gone. So it's hookers for me.
I think it honestly has to do with the type of provider you see. We have all had our "off" days where we just weren't in the right frame of mind for sex. I've tried my very best to not take appointments on those days as I have to have some sort of want for it (which I do quite often) but most of the time I can't exactly fake the emotion behind the feeling of excitement I get while giving a bj, you really have to love what you do. You can't just "go through the motions" it's just wrong to do that. I did that for so long with my ex until it finally wasn't even worth doing that to save face....
myren1900's Avatar

Nice post

I have had had several regular providers, all high class, quality girls, and we always had sessions that were very good, but some times it was just like 4th of July fire works.
Just absolutely amazing chemistry,! We would both get off like crazy, juices flowing and multiple pops. Not really different than with an SO, but I would say, that the greatest sex I ever had is about equal between SOs and providers. On average, SOs may win,
but when it comes to the absolute most amazing extreme experiences, the providers win, but they were regulars, whom I have seen several times.
holmes50's Avatar
I'm as single as single gets, if I'm in relationship then I don't hobby. When on a date and she makes the comment she can take or leave it regarding sex its a guarantee there will no second date. Hell even had one who wanted to invoke the 90 day rule, meaning no sex for the first 90 days. All I could do was laugh and ask her why she hated sex, needless to say there was no second date there either.

Am thankful for the providers who satisfy our adult needs!
Sex without a condom is ALWAYS better than with a condom, that makes an SO much better all the time. I have been offered BBFS by prostitutes but I never do it. Not worth it to get an STD. And if s he is offering me BBFS who else is she offering it to. All prostitutes get asked to do BBFS and I think it safe to say most give in to their regulars. What is crazy is that we all know working ladies do BBFS with someone and then I schedule an appt and she could have just done BBFS and then DATY, no, not me. With an SO I never had to wonder about those things and that too makes sex with her much better. Some guys try to convince themselves this is a good lifestyle with best sex because they think this is all they can do or don't have the patience to wait and meet an SO. But sex with a condom is not any where near best sex, that is just truth. And BBFS with a prostitute is too scary to be best.
It has little to do with type of provider as condoms are used with all types and all types lie just as all types of tricks lie.
Very true Boudin all of it. Scaryyyyyy. At least the grape vine on who does bbfs gives somewhat of an idea of who to avoid. Simplistic but some warning is better than no warning.
Ever wonder why the grapevine or who tells me the names of ladies doing BBFS is always another prostitute, lol. As you said not a very reliable source. I will start rumors about my competition too. Or best yet a woman offered me BBFS and I declined and then she told me two names of prostitutes that offer BBFS and to be warned of them. Of course she told me I was special and only dude she offered BBFS to. I wonder what dude believes that shit?
Never been told that by a provider always hobbyists and I take everything with a lot of salt.