Zena's Avatar
  • Zena
  • 09-29-2018, 07:16 AM
Hello everyone ! I wondered if we could get a good thread going on

Excuses men can use on the weekends to get out of the damn house for 2 hours ....
where she won't give you 25 kinds of Hell!

Some of you married guys JUST CANNOT GET OUT OF THE HOUSE

for 2 hours without the S.o. stopping you!!!! I hate this ! I play a lot on weekends

and my guys SOMETIMES can get out but usually sneak around M-f 8-5 ....
I bet some of you sexy girls and sexy guys know some good ones !!!! Let me have em!!!

lol.... Thank you !!!! Zena
I have to go to professional development...

Or I just take a secret half day off
Golf with a customer from out of town (Zena you should meet my putter)
Traffic school for blowing thorough a stop sign (Zena you really should meet my driver)
Lunch meeting with a customer from out of town who is heading back this afternoon (zena daty is my favorite)
Saturday afternoon men’s bible study group (catholic of course)
Gym, gun show, time after a public service event, time after weekend training, wife at work, wife at in-laws, wife out of town, etc.
Bazztex's Avatar
Gone fishing.....wanna see my rod?
Zena's Avatar
  • Zena
  • 09-29-2018, 09:01 AM
These are great !!! Thank you !!!!! Give me some more !!!!
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Need to get the vehicle washed and polished.
(Emphasis on polished)
Bazztex's Avatar
Hunting season started today. I am chasing white tail.
Chung Tran's Avatar
need lots of stuff from the hardware store.

I intend to insert my hardware into a receptacle that will store my sperm.
Y’all are making me smile today!
Games on pay for play. Aaaa view I mean
mrredcat43's Avatar
I gotta go paint pictures with ms paint
Lickidysplit1's Avatar
Thankfully I don't have to use them since the wife likes to hobby with me(I know, lucky bastard) but I would think playing poker(or poke her) would be a good one.
I'm going to a baseball game.

I'm the pitcher and have a pair of balls, I just need a catcher with a tight glove