Retired Providers

Bobbin's Avatar
Two years ago my ATF retired after getting a legitimate proposal from a boyfriend who had no idea that she was in the Hobby. Recently I got an email from her asking if I was still interested. I accepted and we met at a local motel. She told me that her new Hubby was a great guy, did everything right but didn't make a lot of money. She has no professional skills, credit cards maxed out, car payments, high rent and missed her ready cash from the Hobby.

She went on to say that her former doubles partner, is in the same shape and was interested in finding someone as well. Just wondering how many guys are receiving these kinds of email messages and how many retirees are still active UTR.

I am not sure about this deal on a regular basis just in case the Hubby gets wise and catches us. That could be nasty
rotor11's Avatar
It is a very common theme. Lots who get out can not handle having the quick cash in hand and frivolous spending habits. And they usually have a child or two or three to take care of. I would not get involved because it can not have a good future. Too many still active to find a new ATF to just see and leave.
Use the voice of reason. And experience
Bobbin's Avatar
I think that makes a lot of sense
However, if shes hot, feel free to let us know more
Bobbin's Avatar
No names yet. Too many pics out there that she wants squashed for now. She was one of the hottest and her name does appear now and again.
The lure of fast money gets them back in. Why work in a store 40 hours a week when they can make that much, tax-free in a couple hours.
pmdelites's Avatar
Two years ago my ATF retired after getting a legitimate proposal from a boyfriend who had no idea that she was in the Hobby. Recently I got an email from her asking if I was still interested. I accepted and we met at a local motel. She told me that her new Hubby was a great guy, did everything right but didn't make a lot of money. She has no professional skills, credit cards maxed out, car payments, high rent and missed her ready cash from the Hobby.

She went on to say that her former doubles partner, is in the same shape and was interested in finding someone as well. Just wondering how many guys are receiving these kinds of email messages and how many retirees are still active UTR.

I am not sure about this deal on a regular basis just in case the Hubby gets wise and catches us. That could be nasty Originally Posted by Bobbin
talk about erotically stimulating - "hey pmd, sweetie, i'm in real bad financial shape and sure could use some money! i'll make it worth your while!"

now, if she said she wanted to get it on cos she missed lil delites and my nice cool demeanor, that would be another thing.

to your questions - i have never received such an invitiation. nor do i know of any providers who left this world who came back, UTR or otherwise.

if the hubby doesnt know about her escapades/dalliances, i sure would stay away from her.
silverstate53's Avatar
Theres an old saying " You made your bed lay in it" - i have no doubt that saying will sink in this case
  • harry
  • 04-08-2015, 10:56 PM
I believe the scenario the OP describes is quite common. A lady quits being a full time provider and stops advertising. She gets a "real world" job and pretty much rejoins the straight world. But just as we guys have our ATFs, the ladies have theirs. So our now retired provider continues to see a few of her hobbyist ATFs because she actually enjoys their company and the cash of course. It's a good and perhaps fun way for her to earn additional income. Makes sense to me that this type of arrangement is more common than we might think.
Hobbyman's Avatar
This scenario is more common than you think. I've had it happen twice . One ATF I saw for more than ten years before it finally ended. It's been over for two years now.Then out of the blue she contacts me last month wanting to meet for lunch. Haven't decided whether to meet or not but I wouldn't be very surprised if the husband knew and approved of it. She made it pretty clear that their financial situation was pretty desperate.