Is everyone ok? Check in and let us know!

I read about the tornado in Hattiesburg and surrounding areas! Please let us know if you are ok and if you need any help!
There is a lot of damage to downtown Hattiesburg and Petal area. Unfortunately, there were four that died due to it. Many families are in need of help and left without housing. The first responders are still trying to rescue people that are trapped. Keep Hattiesburg in your prayers!!! Thanks for checking Nicolet
I saw the news video on Twitter. I hope that number doesn't get any higher.
When the heck did this happen? And in winter??
When the heck did this happen? And in winter?? Originally Posted by SeasonedMuse

Happened about 4am today. Tornadoes aren't really uncommon here in January.

I saw a lot of pictures of the damage, sickening. Prayers for the ones hurt.
I wish the members from that area would check in and let us they are ok.
I have family, a lot of family there... most of them are ok that I know of..
I hope Miss39402 chimes in soon!

I just talked to her, she's ok. Thank goodness!
Boomer? Are you ok?
Just read a list of the dead and thankfully no one that I would know from here, including Boomer.

Looks like Round 2 of storms have already fired up on the coast and back between B.R. & Slidell.
Yes, its coming through my area now.
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Prayers going out to all the wonderful folks in H'burg.

Stay safe Nicolet.
Thank you WYAR. Its has been nothing like what Hattiesburg and Petal has suffered.