North side M&G report ...

ck1942's Avatar
Good turnout considering the traffic patterns and Summer break. At least the Lege is out of town!

Great to meet so many new ladies and gents, both local and visiting.

I think our total last night (13 ladies - 22 gents) reflects the enthusiasm for the new south side events as more than a few folks told me they'd make the "southie" this month and skip the north side gathering. Whatever the current "bug" going around Austin certainly kept some from attending; although several folks last night noted that they felt almost totally recovered. I think the same bug hit San Antonio a month or so back, but who knows.

Surveying the entire group, I will try to determine a balance and explore the possibility of testing a "mid-way" venue, but candidly, any gathering larger than 40-45 and more makes it difficult for folks with limited time availability to meet, much less greet, the entire crew.

Guessing I am that the fact of the matter is traffic in Austin can be a real joy-killer. My bump and grind up the MoPac was a thriller ... finally, hit 15 m.p.h.!

Little did I know that returning to San Antonnio would involve all the traffic lanes on I-35 southbound blocked off for 5 or 6 miles. Shunted we were to the innermost breakdown lane while the crews worked on resurfacing I-35 portions. I noticed the same effect on the northbound, looked even more backed up, too. No warning, either, or perhaps I could have hit the access road which appeared crowded, but moving. So, you Austin folks coming to San Antonio happy hours, please be reminded that returning to Austin may involve some traffic boo-hoo's.

All that said, feel free to note your own attendance, but not that of others.

And "Hail!" to all the visitors and attendees new and old! Great to meet y'all!
It was great seeing everyone although a few of the girls seemed to have an uppity stuck-up vibe to them. Took 2 hours to get down from Ft Worth and 4 to get back with lanes on 35N shut down for construction but a few of the lovely ladies kept calling me to see if I hadn't fallen asleep at the wheel on my drive home. Driveway at 2am, bed by 2:05am.
TemptationTammie's Avatar
Sorry I missed it but was busy up in Killeen.
Guessing I am that the fact of the matter is traffic in Austin can be a real joy-killer. My bump and grind up the MoPac was a thriller ... finally, hit 15 m.p.h.! Originally Posted by ck1942
You poor guy.. Nobody should have to suffer through that.

I had a question for you: Have you had any other requests/ interest in meets later in the week? I really can't pry myself away from work on Tuesdays & Wednesdays, but would like to go to a m&g during my "work weekend" on Thursdays & Fridays.

Am I the only one?
quzi's Avatar
  • quzi
  • 06-11-2015, 10:25 AM
Thanks CK! Always an informative time at these events.

The resurfacing of I-35 hit me earlier this year coming back from the SA socials at night. Something to consider for next time
tzv13's Avatar
  • tzv13
  • 06-11-2015, 11:01 AM
I really wanted to make it, I couldn't get out of work for it though. They had me switch shifts the day before.
ck1942's Avatar
Days of week are not only highly dependent on attendees' schedules but also venue availabilty.

Plus many folks like to meet early to midweek so they can plan for latrr...and later also depends on family time activities.

There are occasional "mini" events on virtually any day of week. Unpublicised except to those who have the flexibility to participate. Thanks for asking.
hey CK thank you sir
Thank you 'Blue-eyes' aka CK, as always!

My guest and I enjoyed ourselves. As always, I had fun canoodling and fondling - not necessarily in that order.

Thank you for hosting this event, ck! I am glad I was finally able to make it out. I had a great time. Thank you to everyone who was welcoming to me.

Mayberry & I made out like teenagers in the parking lot.

Raikage's Avatar
twas a good time. a few stuck up chicks though... and a few that i'm going to see, not the stuck up ones
Thank you again CK for your hospitality. I had a great time with everyone! ����