Movie review-Battleship

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Peter Berg is an actor and, for this movie, a director. Another reviewer said that Berg blinked during his last movie (Kingdom) and changed the ending because of the way US audiences like blowing up terrorists. He altered the ending slightly so it wasn't so "jingoistic". Battleship is a collection of "moments" that US audiences will love. The script is weak and the plot is just as weak. In some cases logic has to be very seriously suspended to accept the plot.

On the plus side, those moments are great moments and with fairly good CGI. For the movie watcher you will see some homages to earlier movies. Don't worry about the violence, they're aliens and we can cheer their demise.

I saw this movie during the early morning matinee so it only cost $5. If you can spare the time and money then it is worth it but don't expect to be too impressed.

Liam Neeson was wasted and a number of actors could have phone in the same part.

Rihanna was playing Vasquez from Aliens as has been done a couple of other times.

One person of note was double amputee Colonel Gregory Gadson. His acting is not the best but he is inspiring just by succeeding.
Berg is from Austin; and was exec. producer of the excellent Friday Night Lights.

Is Battleship based on the game Battleship?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
One of the co-producers is Hasbro and there is one scene involving trying to find an enemy ship on a high tech grid which is somewhat reminiscent of the game.

Another thread prompts me to make a comment on this thread. One scene that tests your suspension of disbelief is Obama taking "prompt" and "aggressive" action to the alien threat without regard to politics. I know, it is a lot to take in.
Good to see you like kids movies JD
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I like pop culture. Saw Hunger Games on the second showing, saw Avengers on the second showing, saw Battleship yesterday and will see Dark Shadows today. I like to see a movie when there is a hefty discount. Now I have not seen one single Twilight movie but I was second in line to see Superman: The Motion Picture when it came out. I also saw both of the Lord of the Rings movies when the third one came out. Anyway, movies are fun and it is the weekend. I can see a movie for $5 before noon. So what is your complaint, no closed captioning?
joe bloe's Avatar
Berg is from Austin; and was exec. producer of the excellent Friday Night Lights.

Is Battleship based on the game Battleship? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
So Peter Berg is an actor/director form Austin? It's hard to believe that he would make a movie that's sympathetic to the military with a pedigree like that.
BigLouie's Avatar
Is Battleship based on the game Battleship? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
It is suppose to be. That is what the producers are saying.
I like pop culture. Saw Hunger Games on the second showing, saw Avengers on the second showing, saw Battleship yesterday and will see Dark Shadows today. I like to see a movie when there is a hefty discount. Now I have not seen one single Twilight movie but I was second in line to see Superman: The Motion Picture when it came out. I also saw both of the Lord of the Rings movies when the third one came out. Anyway, movies are fun and it is the weekend. I can see a movie for $5 before noon. So what is your complaint, no closed captioning? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

nah just lets your IQ show the simple are easily entertained .
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 05-20-2012, 12:19 PM
Yes, I saw Battleship and enjoyed it immensely!

Is Battleship based on the game Battleship? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Yes. Battleship is a Hasbro game.

Rihanna was playing Vasquez from Aliens as has been done a couple of other times. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I definitely enjoy her spunk!

One person of note was double amputee Colonel Gregory Gadson. His acting is not the best but he is inspiring just by succeeding. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Yes! He certainly is.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I wish you could see how much I'm laughing my ass off Ekim because I was not entertained yesterday or today. So much for your opinion, right?
Another typical high schoolish movie...I'm guessing lots of Special Effects, total lack of substance in terms of script...and a couple of feel good moments for the good guys.

Between cartoon superheros and other weak movies that have little or no script, it is amazing what adults will settle for entertainment.

Although, I must admit, Dark Shadows will probably be a "guilty pleasure" for me at some point.
I wish you could see how much I'm laughing my ass off Ekim because I was not entertained yesterday or today. So much for your opinion, right? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

your laughter is muffled remove head from ass I bet you are a Simpsons fan also.
Peter Berg is erasing all the credibility he amassed for putting together "Friday Night Lights," which was truly a great show. But the guy you have to really feel sorry for (except for all the pussy he must be getting) is Taylor Kitsch, who played Tim Riggins on "Lights." First, he stars in "John Carter," the biggest moneyloser of the year so far, and now he's in "Battleship," which is getting killed by critics and audiences alike. Dude's starting to look like movie kryptonite.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Are the Simpsons still on TV??? You need to go to a casino. Your batting zero so far. Haven't watched the Simpson since...what year is it? It must be six years now since I watched it and then not very often. Still a loser Ekim? Yes, I guess you are.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I have never been able to sit through an episode of the Simpsons. Or Friends. Or 2 1/2 Men. I've tried, because people told me they were funny. They weren't.