We Had to Kill the Villagers to Save Americans From the Cocaine They Want

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Apparently the US doesn't mind killing innocents even in criminal matters. The "War on Drugs" is a waste of lives and money.


it is called "the fog of war" or he said she said
Wow... why in the hell isn't there more media coverage about this shit?

"The logic here seems to be that everyone in the town was complicit in the cocaine trade, so there is no such thing as an innocent victim. Even if Honduran police, who said they were returning fire from a boat that arrived as they were seizing the cocaine, did kill some villagers who were out fishing, they and their unborn children pretty much had it coming. Thus the literalized War on Drugs takes a step beyond regrettable "collateral damage" with the argument that anyone close enough to the action to get hurt probably was aiding the enemy.

The basic distinction between the criminal justice system and a war is that the former does not tolerate "collateral casualties," whereas the latter regards them as an inevitable cost of military conflict. DEA agents are never permitted to be involved in the killing of innocent people, whether or not they are in pursuit of criminal suspects. What happened in Honduras appears to have crossed the line... "


I agree Cog, the stupid war on drugs needs to come to a halt. To me this is not exceptable.
You think that's bad? Doesn't anyone remember this story where an American missionary woman with a baby in her arms were both killed when a CIA directed airplane fired upon them?


Maybe if we had a popular, Liberal President who promised to change things like that stupid, wasteful War On Drugs this shit wouldn't of happen. Someone who dabbled in them in their youth and shamelessly wrote about it. HA! He fooled you fuckers.
joe bloe's Avatar
Einstein said that repeating the same action over and over again and expecting a different outcome is the best definition of insanity. By that definition, America's "war on drugs" is insane. I think it's time to admit that what we're doing isn't working. Portugal decriminalized drug use ten years ago and cut drug abuse in half.

pyramider's Avatar
I thinck the government has been at this war for too long for anyone in it to say enough.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
I don't think Einstein intended for people to keep posting the same line over and over again when he made that observation.

. . . That is insane!

Einstein said that repeating the same action over and over again and expecting a different outcome is the best definition of insanity. By that definition, America's "war on drugs" is insane. I think it's time to admit that what we're doing isn't working. Portugal decriminalized drug use ten years ago and cut drug abuse in half.

http://www.forbes.com/sites/erikkain...f-in-portugal/ Originally Posted by joe bloe
joe bloe's Avatar
I don't think Einstein intended for people to keep posting the same line over and over again when he made that observation.

. . . That is insane!

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
If, by quoting Einstein over and over again, I can get the same result of annoying liberals, that's not insane. That's a good thing.

Einstein's quote is a cliche. It's a cliche because it's true. That's how it got to be a cliche. Here's another quote I bet you hate:
A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence:
  • From bondage to spiritual faith;
  • From spiritual faith to great courage;
  • From courage to liberty;
  • From liberty to abundance;
  • From abundance to selfishness;
  • From selfishness to complacency;
  • From complacency to apathy;
  • From apathy to dependence;
  • From dependence back into bondage.
Alexander Tytler
I am just thankful to all the Latino's who keep electing leaders of their countries that will accept our money and bribes to keep the war and the battles in their homelands.

Can you imagine having our innocent citizens subjected to those types of atrocities on a daily basis? I'm not usually for my tax dollars going to other countries, but until it is legalized here and the fighting stops, I'll gladly pay to keep the deaths over there.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Yeah, I used to have a parrot who could repeat anything it heard too.

. . . The question is do you have anything original, Polly?

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I don't think Einstein intended for people to keep posting the same line over and over again when he made that observation.

. . . That is insane!

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
That was kinda funny!

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-21-2012, 12:24 AM
I am just thankful to all the Latino's who keep electing leaders of their countries that will accept our money and bribes to keep the war and the battles in their homelands.

Can you imagine having our innocent citizens subjected to those types of atrocities on a daily basis? I'm not usually for my tax dollars going to other countries, but until it is legalized here and the fighting stops, I'll gladly pay to keep the deaths over there. Originally Posted by nwarounder
That is pretty damn chicken shit. Spending our tax dollars on another stupid war, when it would be far simplier to do the same thing we did with beer. Leagalize it.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Why aren't we learning from Portugal? Sounds like they have some sense over there.
That is pretty damn chicken shit. Spending our tax dollars on another stupid war, when it would be far simplier to do the same thing we did with beer. Leagalize it. Originally Posted by WTF
LOL, it was meant as sarcasm, and a poke at the Latino's who stand by and support their leaders while Obama tells them the same old lies that we will curb or stop the demand from the U.S.

After all, there have only been 50,000 innocent Latino's die in the past few years because of their tolerance and our drug policies, so I don't see what the big deal is <<<<<<< more sarcasm
Boltfan's Avatar
Legalize it. Done. Pretty simple really, but that means the slush funds will go to the new "entreprenuers" who create the legalized distribution networks instead of the politicians.