Ragged Ann At her best!! LIB LYING 101...the gaslighting queen

Wasn't Trump impeached for a phone call that didn't add up to squat?? The PISSANT asking someone to lie is OK as long as it's the democraps doing it!! There is no defense for him or his circus of clowns...he's the ringLEADER Ragged Ann is a FUCKING JOKE

REPORTER: “Was the president in any way pushing a false narrative in that call?”

PSAKI: “I am not going to go into the details of a private conversation, but what we saw over the course of the last few months is a collapse in leadership. And that was happening even before Ghani left the country. What the president has conveyed repeatedly, privately and publicly, is you need to stand up and lead your country. And that’s something he said in a press conference in July in a public forum as well.”

She made NO mention of him asking Ghani to LIE for him (MINOR OMISSION)!!
A “private conversation?” How is this a “private conversation?” This is a leader-to-leader call that we have every right to know about, particularly because of the national security importance and the safety of Americans. Why doesn’t she just say she doesn’t think we have a right to ask legitimate questions about anything? Because that’s essentially what she’s saying. And what’s even more offensive and gaslighting about this is she then cites the very press conference during which Joe Biden lied his head off to us about the Taliban not being likely to take over the country.
Jen Goebbels.
winn dixie's Avatar
You gotta feel for her a little. She prolly gets her briefs in crayon directly from puddins and undeciphered !
It's funny how they're no leftwing posters comments on this...guess some things can't be distorted enough to make ANY sense...
It's funny how they're no leftwing posters comments on this...guess some things can't be distorted enough to make ANY sense... Originally Posted by bb1961
If any Socialist/Progressive/Liberal/Democrats do opine, it will be with the same lies that they have been spouting since then citizen Donald Trump decided to run for President.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yup BUT BUT its different now Oh the insanity hypocrisy
  • oeb11
  • 09-02-2021, 07:49 AM
Jen Goebbels. Originally Posted by Jackie S

Best analogy ever - JS!
Best analogy ever - JS! Originally Posted by oeb11
You bet.

Little Joseph was great at telling the German people that their Sons and Husbands were NOT freezing to death on the Russian front.

Jen should be ashamed.

But then, she is a Democrat, whom we all know have no shame.
  • oeb11
  • 09-02-2021, 09:30 AM
Communist DPST - Lies =Truth - in DPST narrative
Orwell predicted the Communist DPST party - with their Doublespeak and Groupthink,
In his novel -' 1984'.

has come to pass.
winn dixie's Avatar
is lil jen the love child of slick willie and jenner?
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yup 1984 ,, orwell and goebells would be shocked ,,, they are now telling us what we see with are own eyes is not real
HedonistForever's Avatar
House Republicans might as well get started on those impeachment counts.
"Dereliction of duty", "un-do influence" in trying to get a world leader to tell a different story than the one he knows to help a sitting American President.

Hell, the Republicans can just make all the same charges Dem's did with out opening a sweat.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Jello an chief got this LOL ,,, Dark winter coming ,,I wonder when Jen Jens is gonna stop taking questions
They be running outa lies