Good Client? Trick? Schmuck?

Ladies and decide.'ve been seeing this client for two plus years. He's probably 10-15 years older than you, reasonably fit not fat, but he's definitely not porn star material.

However, its obvious he tries to show up on time, clean and sober. The few times he's had to cancel, he's always given a minimum of 24 hours notice. He always leaves politely when time is up.

At first, he only saw you every few months. However, over the last 9 months or so, frequency has increased to at least once a month....sometimes twice. In the beginning, donations were always as specified. This past year or so, he's started leaving an extra 10-20% in the envelope.

He bought you a birthday present.

Not always, but once in a while, his emails setting up an appointment, or thanking for a good time, sound like they were written by a moonstruck teenager.

Ladies? What do you do with a client like this? Encourage? What if he starts seeing you weekly? Good client? A trick you want to get as much business from as you can before you kick him to the curb?

Guy? Is this guy in trouble?

Your title caught my eye with one of my favorite affectionate words, "schmuck"!
IMO, your description sounds like the ideal gentleman caller, neat, clean, sober, generous, and thoughtful. To me, he would be as close to perfect as you can get in this lifestyle. The only way I could see how a fellow hobbyist would see him as a threat would be that he would get preferential treatment by the lady he sees.
I have had instances where a gentleman who has spent time with me before has made a date with me, but for one reason or another, was running late and could not let me know. Another gentleman calls wanting a date at the same time, not knowing if gentleman 1 will make it, I agree to see him. Then gentleman 1 calls, apologizing for being late. I contact gentleman 2 and let him know the situation and assure him that if it were HIM, I would give him the same consideration.
Hobbyists and providers have had similar scenarios.
Cpalmson's Avatar
The guy is lonely and found a lady he is comfortable with. He probably lacks the self confidence to date in the real world, so he sticks with the P4P routine. What should be of concern is the increase in frequency he is seeing the provider. He probably has the financial ability to keep this up, but if it becomes a weekly thing, he is dropping probably over 1k a month on this provider. Great financial boon for her, but there will come a point when the dude will cross the line. He's going to get attached to the provider and at some point want her for an exclusive arrangement. By that, I mean, she can't see other clients. Sure, the relationship could stay "professional", but if it gets to the point of a weekly thing, there will be problems-- especially if the provider is NOT interested in becoming exclusive. My advice to the dude is that if wants a Sugar Baby, then he needs to go find a Sugar Baby and not try to "convert" a provider into one.
pyramider's Avatar
The provider should soak him for all he is worth, if she does not ... another will.
One provider response: good client.
2 client responses: this guy's in trouble

No doubt. This is not a friend of a friend. It's me.

And yes, I like her. A lot. And enjoy my times with her. But, I'm not in a position to have an "official relationship" with her. Nor am I looking for a sugar baby......and I doubt I could afford that anyway.

But, I am dropping 500 to a grand on her every month. And my accountant is ok with that, and maybe a bit more.

My question was asked because I wonder if my attentions are truly appreciated, or if I am just being led along. It is so hard to think clearly in this activity.

How long have some of you ladies seen your regulars? How frequently. Does it ever get "weird"? (Austin Powers film reference).

I don't want it to get weird.

It will only get weird if u make it weird.

What exactly do u mean when you ask if your being appreciated, where do u want this relationship to head exactly?
Chica Chaser's Avatar
As long as she keeps taking your money when you see her, you already know the answer to your questions.
Test the theory, let her know you are a little strapped this week but would still like to see her, but off the clock. Her answer will tell you exactly what you need to know.
I think that would be an ideal client. I have one almost exactly like that... he tips like 200 over our specified donation... Now he brings me a pair of Michael Kors shoes plus the 500 plus 200 or more over the Five!!! He's now on my personal instagram and i think he gets off from the pics i post after he leaves with the money and the shoes. I usually @ him in the pics. He's single so its okay for me to blast his gifts.

I say stick to the guy until he tries to interfere into your personal Life.

Good Tricks are hard to come by and keep
You see this type of post over in stripper boards every week.

Look, she is a performer. She looks like she likes giving you head because you want her to look that way, not because she likes it. Maybe she does, but it has little to do with you.

She is giving you a beautiful little piece of herself,enjoy that and don't be selfish and expect more.

Hell, I am no one to talk, I am addicted to a pretty little stripper, but that is totally a one way issue.
Dude, there are tons of different ladies. If you feel you're getting too familiar look for another girl that catches your eye. I can assure you 99.9999% that the provider does not have any emotional feelings for you. I know it gets hard to separate what goes on in a passionate session from real life sometimes. But it's just business, not personal. Having a regular provider is great because she know you and what you like, but if I were you I would see another girl or two before I saw the ATF again. And stop kissing her ass. Even if she did have a little speck of feelings for you deep in her heart kissing her ass will make her lose ALL respect for you.
pmdelites's Avatar
just remember that the "companionship relationship" between you two WILL change in the future.
not cos you do or dont want it to change, nor cos she does or does not want it to change.
it will change because it MUST change.

and when that change comes, accept it as it is and move on. [you can cry in private if it affects you that much. dont deny the feelings, but recoginze what it was all about]
especially in this sub-culture!!!

now if this were a girlfriend, my answer would be different.
but she isnt your girlfriend, just your companion for a short period of time.
and unless she has explicitly said [not possibly, not construed to say, not hinted at] that she wants to be your girlfriend, then stay companions.
but if she has explicitly said "oh baby, i wanna live w/ you forever!", then you two should move from pay-for-companionship to real life companionship and relationship.

step back and see it for what it is.
peace and perspective be with you!!

p.s. several of the women i visited w/ i've done so for 2-5+ yrs. we had deliteful times together, but all but a few have left the business.
i learned early on in my sub-culture experiences to know that there is a BIG YELLOW TAPE in between me and them that says
"Companionship Line. Do NOT mistake for real life relationship!"
i only crossed it once and learned never to cross it again.
It will only get weird if u make it weird.

What exactly do u mean when you ask if your being appreciated, where do u want this relationship to head exactly? Originally Posted by NikkiWhite
This is a very good question, and one that I probably have not thought through well enough. I want to be fair.

I have an SO. It is a sexless relationship, but one that I am not going to end, for many reasons: duty & responsibility being the first. So, it is easier to list the things I do not want:

I do not want a committed relationship.
I do not want a girlfriend.
I do not even want a dedicated Sugar Baby.

The thing that led to me seeing her in the first place was my need for a sexual outlet that did not jeopardize my current relationship.

I have seen, and continue to see other providers in other cities. But this one is special. She’s the kind of person I would be looking for if I were looking for a relationship. I did not expect to find this kind of person working as an escort. (My fault for being prejudiced. I have learned and owe all providers a “class action” apology) And, of course, she’s also quite good at her escorting job.

At least, that is how I feel about the “person she is” during our sessions. I’m savvy enough to know the difference.

So what do I want? Why am I asking these questions?

1) I want her to look forward to seeing me. Not just because I pay well (I tip because I DO get good service), but because she truly enjoys my company.

2) I want her to be happy. (another reason I tip)

3) I want her to be well and safe and successful.

4) I want her to consider me a friend. Not a necessarily a “let’s hang out together” friend, but someone she has fond feelings towards. Someone she thinks well of. Someone she trusts. Not someone she thinks is another stupid trick she can scam 1000 bucks a month from.

5) And, of course, I would love to give her a great orgasm, and know for sure it was for real. That’s for MY ego.

That’s all. Really. Just those 5 things. Once or twice a month.

Is that possible in this business? I’m trying to walk the fine line, here, and maintain healthy boundaries.
You think too much.
  • Laz
  • 09-03-2013, 05:46 PM
This is a very good question, and one that I probably have not thought through well enough. I want to be fair.

I have an SO. It is a sexless relationship, but one that I am not going to end, for many reasons: duty & responsibility being the first. So, it is easier to list the things I do not want:

I do not want a committed relationship.
I do not want a girlfriend.
I do not even want a dedicated Sugar Baby.

The thing that led to me seeing her in the first place was my need for a sexual outlet that did not jeopardize my current relationship.

I have seen, and continue to see other providers in other cities. But this one is special. She’s the kind of person I would be looking for if I were looking for a relationship. I did not expect to find this kind of person working as an escort. (My fault for being prejudiced. I have learned and owe all providers a “class action” apology) And, of course, she’s also quite good at her escorting job.

At least, that is how I feel about the “person she is” during our sessions. I’m savvy enough to know the difference.

So what do I want? Why am I asking these questions?

1) I want her to look forward to seeing me. Not just because I pay well (I tip because I DO get good service), but because she truly enjoys my company.

You will never truly know the answer to this as long as money is involved. She might, but you will never know for sure.

2) I want her to be happy. (another reason I tip)

Being a regular client that is probably easy work will help make her happy but her happiness is not within your control.

3) I want her to be well and safe and successful.

Again, not something you can control.

4) I want her to consider me a friend. Not a necessarily a “let’s hang out together” friend, but someone she has fond feelings towards. Someone she thinks well of. Someone she trusts. Not someone she thinks is another stupid trick she can scam 1000 bucks a month from.

She might but again as long as money is involved you will not know for sure. If she gives you extras such as you pay for an hour and she hangs out with you for a lot longer or she spends OTC time with you it could be a good indicator.

5) And, of course, I would love to give her a great orgasm, and know for sure it was for real. That’s for MY ego.

Don't we all. I suspect we are not as successful as the ladies make us believe.

That’s all. Really. Just those 5 things. Once or twice a month.

Is that possible in this business? I’m trying to walk the fine line, here, and maintain healthy boundaries. Originally Posted by PFCffff
Bottom line is if it makes you happy to see her who cares if she is just putting on a front for a good customer. As long as you keep an emotional distance to prevent future hurt just enjoy it for what it is.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
As long as she keeps taking your money when you see her, you already know the answer to your questions.
Test the theory, let her know you are a little strapped this week but would still like to see her, but off the clock. Her answer will tell you exactly what you need to know. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
And that was the start of "OSD's odd jobs for hooks" shhhhhh they should charge me when driving outfit shopping. Grocery shopping with a wacky providers can be fun. Not at first, but the time I got called to remove two bats from a incall was fun.

When my cash flow got better again. I found I enjoyed working for a few providers for me was more fun than the P4P. So now I let that pay most of my way as a side line.