trumped-up ... the irony...

TryWeakly's Avatar
Ah, the good old days..... before TDS set in on the Democratic population and the "fake news" media....

The lies are slowly, yet surely, getting un-raveled...

The deep state should be worried that their trumped-up claims will soon be out for all to see....

Something that'strumped-upis faked or fabricated to use as an excuse. You might be tempted to tell your parents atrumped-upstory about ameanmath teacher to explain a bad grade. When you hear about someone being arrested on "trumped-up charges," that means that they've been falsely accused.

Have a nice day ! I know I will !
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...The lies are slowly, yet surely, getting un-raveled...

The deep state should be worried that their trumped-up claims will soon be out for all to see.... Originally Posted by TryWeakly

Anyone know if it's considered bad-form to cheer at public hangings for Sedition or Treason? I sometimes want to viewed as Polite AF.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
The extra small noose for Schiff will need special ordered.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Joe McCarthy had nothing on Adam Schiff. Of all the despicable people from Pelosi to Shumer to Nadler to Blumenthal, Schiff is at the head of the pack. None so despicable as Adam Schiff. I wouldn't expect the good people ( joke ) of California to put a Republican in his place come November but surely they can find another Democrat to take his place.
remember the name kevin klinesmith

likely the lowest of low hanging fruit

widely suspected to be the line attorney working under peter strzok

where false information was included in the fisa warrant

then the attorney told inspector general horowitz he had support for that claim and presented a false email where he had altered the date

durham surely has that person twisting in the wind
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Joe McCarthy had nothing on Adam Schiff. Of all the despicable people from Pelosi to Shumer to Nadler to Blumenthal, Schiff is at the head of the pack. None so despicable as Adam Schiff. I wouldn't expect the good people ( joke ) of California to put a Republican in his place come November but surely they can find another Democrat to take his place. Originally Posted by HedonistForever

pencil neck is not facing any republican, they didn't make the cut for the runoff election.

so, its dem vs. dem, and that is inspite of pencil necks commanding lead in the primary which was i think 75% of the vote.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Anyone know if it's considered bad-form to cheer at public hangings for Sedition or Treason? I sometimes want to viewed as Polite AF. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do

public hangings are a spectacle.... in some cases there have been, depending on who it is, cheers at those events.

bad form? what bad form? no body cares.
Holy fuk me sick red guys amuse yourselfs way to much. Maybe someday you get a life lol. I'm guessing you reds are gonna post more zhit when you realize trump is long gone. The news will live on though
TryWeakly's Avatar
Holy fuk me sick red guys amuse yourselfs way to much. Maybe someday you get a life lol. I'm guessing you reds are gonna post more zhit when you realize trump is long gone. The fake news will live on though Originally Posted by Tsmokies

fixed it
LexusLover's Avatar
Holy fuk me sick red guys .... Originally Posted by Tsmokies
I suspect no "red guys" are sick in here ....

... unless its looking at ridiculous posts from whiners like you.

BTW ... I've never asked before, but I am curious ...

... usually folks with "T" in the front of their name are having gender-identification issues in either pre-op or post-op mode.

Which are you ... pre or post?
That's funny coming from a "T"rump sucker lol
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
That's funny coming from a "T"rump sucker lol Originally Posted by Tsmokies

if yous say so "bluntster"

Still posting from the truck stop lol. You guys are to amusing n clueless
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Still posting from the truck stop lol. You guys are to amusing n clueless Originally Posted by Tsmokies

what's yer favorite bathroom stall at Carl's Corner?

asking for Yssup Rider

Keep working in whacko truck stop red kid. Maybe someday you can service a red old beat up Lexus lol