When the villain is Obama, not Trump, news suddenly becomes not worth reporting

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

When the villain is Obama, not Trump, news suddenly becomes not worth reporting
By Kyle Smith
November 20, 2019 | 2:48pm

So the United States has “the world’s highest rate of children in detention.” Is this worth reporting? Maybe, maybe not. Nevertheless, Agence France-Presse, or AFP, and Reuters did report it, attributing the information to a “United Nations study” on migrant children detained at the US-Mexico border.

Then the two agencies retracted the story. Deleted, withdrew, demolished. If they could have used one of those Men in Black memory-zappers on us, they would have. Sheepishly, the two news organizations explained that, you see, the UN data was from 2015 — part of a border crackdown that had begun years earlier.

We all know who the president was in 2015. It wasn’t evil, child-caging monster President Trump. It was that nice, compassionate, child-caging monster President Barack Obama.

Zap. The story made Obama look bad. Hence the story was removed. Not updated or corrected, removed.

I know it’s a heavy news environment. Who can keep up? But try to remember this one, because it’s instructive. People think news organizations flat-out fabricate stories. That isn’t often the case. Fake news is a problem that pops up here and there, but the much more systematic and deeply entrenched attack on truth is the casual, everyday bias of reporters.

AFP and Reuters deleted a story that was, in a narrow sense, true — that a UN study claimed the United States had some 100,000 children in migrant-related detention. The United Nations is horribly biased against America and the West. Still, on the level of lazy, news-release-driven journalism, the locked-up-kids story was minimally valid.

At any rate, what the agencies didn’t seem to like was the story’s changed implication: That Obama, rather than Trump, locked up a lot of children. This is what’s important: Not that AFP and Reuters deleted a story, but that the implication of the story meant everything to them.

Every time you read something from AFP and Reuters (and CNN and the Washington Post), you should be thinking not “This is fake news” but: “What’s the agenda?” To paraphrase Chuck Schumer’s infamous, and instructive, comment on the CIA, news outlets have six ways from Sunday of getting you to think what they want you to think, none of which involve making up stuff.

One is simply not reporting things. News that isn’t mentioned didn’t really happen to that outlet’s consumers. Obama’s approval ratings were mostly really low, comparable to Trump’s, typically in the low to mid-40s. Polls would come out saying this, and the Ron Burgundys would simply not report it.
Using, or ignoring, facts in accordance with whether they create the desired impression is the principal agenda of today’s media.
Trump doesn’t enjoy this courtesy. Nor can he be associated with good news. A recent Newsbusters survey found that, over a recent six-week period, not even 1 percent of network news reporting on the Trump administration even mentioned positive economic news.

Another trick is soberly reporting the policy proposals of Politician One but focusing entirely on the miscues and petty controversies of Politician Two. You might, if you are a news consumer, be under the impression that Sen. Elizabeth Warren has a sober, well-reasoned set of plans. These plans are, however, so far-fetched as to be breathtaking. She has vowed $20.5 trillion in new federal spending, an increase of 40 percent on top of current levels. Yet Warren isn’t the candidate the media habitually portray as unhinged.

Meanwhile, the gaffes of Democrats attract very little interest; network news basically ignored the mini-scandal involving Pete Buttigieg, who promoted a list of black supporters, many of whom either were not black or did not support him. The networks declined to cast Buttigieg as racially insensitive.

Still another trick is deciding that a matter that advances the wrong narrative is simply “local news,” hence not worthy of attention from the major outlets. Any crimes committed by illegal immigrants can be safely ignored by CNN, but any crimes associated with right-wingers become cause for national dismay and soul searching.

CNN did a massive story this week involving the talents of five reporters after someone at Syracuse University sent out a white supremacist manifesto to “several” cellphones and racist graffiti was discovered in a residence hall. Previously, similar outbreaks of campus fear turned out to be based on hoaxes. Yet if this story dissolves, CNN can accurately claim, hey, we were just reporting that students were scared.

The impression created by a thousand stories like this — that America in 2019 is a white supremacist nightmare — will linger all the same. Using, or ignoring, facts in accordance with whether they create the desired impression is the principal agenda of today’s media.
bambino's Avatar
Nixon had tapes, Obama has text messages. Now we know what he knew and when he knew it.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Nixon had tapes, Obama has text messages. Now we know what he knew and when he knew it. Originally Posted by bambino

yeah, theres that.

but this is talking about an out of control lame stream media producing half of the news content as fake news.

examples abounds.. chuck todd got caught editing the barr video.
Redhot1960's Avatar
Bring it!


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a day ago, 7 tweets, 4 min read

mentions 1. Bill, she won't run.

At least, I hope not.

It's a suicide mission and Michelle cares about her kids. Trump has no desire to cause her harm, but she will have to accept her husband is at risk.

Barack deserves everything coming to him.

mentions 2. If Michelle DOES run, it's a Rubicon moment.

The worst decision of her life.

Trump is vindictive. He is on the record as believing in revenge.

He will show no mercy to her, or Barack Obama.

Ditto, Hillary Clinton.

Nor should he.

And he holds ALL THE CARDS.
mentions 3. These crooks tried to destroy him and his family during the election, the transition and the Presidency itself.


Michelle Obama needs to accept that. No amount of Netflix propaganda or narcissistic memoirs will change what's going to happen.
mentions 4. So she has a clear choice.

If she goes all in on some madcap run to be POTUS to protect Barack, she will face the same consequences as he does.

If she decides to slink away, I suspect Trump will leave her alone.

But she must accept that her husband is finished.

mentions 5. Going forward, life is going to be extremely hard for Michelle Obama and her kids.

And that's sad.

I don't think I'd have much time for her and hate her politics, but there's zero evidence Michelle Obama has done anything wrong.

Ditto, the kids.
mentions 6. There's going to be MANY innocent victims of what Obama and his thugs did between 2012-2020.

They include the innocent spouses and children of the scum that conspired with Obama, in the greatest crime in American history.

It's NOT a partisan issue.
mentions 7. So Michelle Obama has a clear choice.

And I very much doubt she will run.

But if she agrees to, God help her.

No one else will.


The end.
matchingmole's Avatar
The failing New York Post? lol
obama has always been the villain
The failing New York Post? lol Originally Posted by matchingmole
So please, please refute what they have said rather than attack the messenger. Is their reporting wrong and why?

At least you put words to your response and not your normal sad ole toilet response.

And right in line with the OP, none of us can forget the "actual" pictures of children in cages that when vetted were also from the Obama admin and suddenly those pictures all disappeared.
  • oeb11
  • 05-11-2020, 07:50 AM
Liberals always decline to address issues - they "deflect and run"!!
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Am I the only one that is curious to understand how the #ObamaGate team can go on MSM show after show and say that Trump colluded with Muh Russians for three years, yet when we finally get to review the transcripts from two years ago of sworn testimony, they know nothing about Russian collusion evidence? Someone should do a then an now comparison, like the one below.

  • oeb11
  • 05-11-2020, 08:08 AM
WYID - watch Tucker and hannity - it is already done.
hannity has put forth the Democrat Lies of clapper, Brennan, et al for some time.

He has Watters on recently to discuss just this issue.

Waiting on Durham report!
And fallout for the Flynn frame-up/coercion. !
matchingmole's Avatar
So please, please refute what they have said rather than attack the messenger. Is their reporting wrong and why?

At least you put words to your response and not your normal sad ole toilet response.

And right in line with the OP, none of us can forget the "actual" pictures of children in cages that when vetted were also from the Obama admin and suddenly those pictures all disappeared. Originally Posted by eccielover

This one...I would never use this as a response......
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
WYID - watch Tucker and hannity - it is already done.
hannity has put forth the Democrat Lies of clapper, Brennan, et al for some time.

He has Watters on recently to discuss just this issue.

Waiting on Durham report!
And fallout for the Flynn frame-up/coercion. ! Originally Posted by oeb11
Not sure I trust my computer for that right now. Just the other day I was observing #OBAMAGATE trending heavily on Twatter, up to 1M impressions. Then it went away. Then it came back at around 2M impressions and went away and was replaced by #TRUMPGATE trending. Then that went away and #OBAMAGATE came back at a little over 2.6M impressions. Not to mention several accounts whose feeds went blank after using #OBAMAGATE.

Maybe I need to reload some software as that sure is fishy looking behavior?
bambino's Avatar
Am I the only one that is curious to understand how the #ObamaGate team can go on MSM show after show and say that Trump colluded with Muh Russians for three years, yet when we finally get to review the transcripts from two years ago of sworn testimony, they know nothing about Russian collusion evidence? Someone should do a then an now comparison, like the one below.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xTN4oSYMoe8 Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
You have to wonder why Republicans that were privy to those transcripts didn’t speak up then? Nunes did, Gowdy would preface it by saying it was classified information. If the shoe was on the other foot, the transcripts would have been leaked.
If the shoe was on the other foot, the transcripts would have been leaked. Originally Posted by bambino
that goes to the very stuff of that which makes one either a dim or a conservative

if dims were honest and above board and cared for not just the end but the means, they likely wouldn't be dims

their consciences would cause too great a turmoil
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Am I the only one that is curious to understand how the #ObamaGate team can go on MSM show after show and say that Trump colluded with Muh Russians for three years, yet when we finally get to review the transcripts from two years ago of sworn testimony, they know nothing about Russian collusion evidence? Someone should do a then an now comparison, like the one below.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xTN4oSYMoe8 Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do

the video was removed by uploader.