sexual paraphernalia

Has anyone heard of ladies having trouble bringing sexual paraphernalia into the UAE? I heard a few years ago about a lady having her dildo confiscated at the airport and she got into a little trouble. Is this still the case?

Any tips into bringing fun stuff in is appreciated. It has been a few years since I was last in Dubai/Abu Dhabi.


Elizabeth Murray
elhomeboy76's Avatar
I dont really know but it Might be cause they consider a dildo pornographic material if you're thinking about trying your luck don't do it until after Ramadan cause the punishments are harsher during the holy month it ends aug 8th. If you try it put it in ur check in luggage as well.
elhomeboy76's Avatar
Thanks for your feedback! I had theses scary visions of being detained in the baggage claim area because of my fun packed away toys in my checked luggage.