Baton Rouge

And, there is more to BR than downtown also. The city has a long way to go for sure. Originally Posted by April Cox
The people and having a lot of trees along with a good amount of wealth, adds much to the city. Many an LSU grad tries to stay here instead of returning home or moving out of state if they can help it. Then, of course, is the state treasury, the state bureaucrat offices and contractors doing biz with state that adds to the overall GPD of the metro area.

The city isn't that solvent financially. Kip has really hurt us there.
Kip has put in effort, and has done well for the downtown area. He has a vision for the city.
Also, the developments around Perkins and bluebonnet since the mall was built are nice.
This is the capital, and much of the city shows neglect.
But, I can remember when the only entertainment down town was the kid and catfish town.
(And coffee call). We still have a long way to go to catch up with other cities our size.

So ready for jindal to go.

Who would vote for kip? I would :-) Originally Posted by April Cox
I moved to Louisiana 1980. I lived in Hammond for awhile. When I got married we moved to Baton Rouge in 89, been there ever since. I would say Kip has been the best mayor that I can remember. I remember during Hurricane Katrina he made it known to those flooding into BR from NOLA that he instructed the PD not to put up with any shit, and they didn't, lol.

Priscilla St. James's Avatar
I miss the hell out of it...Can I say hell? lol I miss the south period!
Glad to here it. I am planning to visit for the first time in May.
Glad to here it. I am planning to visit for the first time in May. Originally Posted by Molly Rendon
Let us know when - you have fans here who can't wait!

Well, we'll have to.

But May is tomorrow.

Just saying
DiscoStick's Avatar
I keep meeting people from Houston who really like BR. Much less traffic for sure.
You in town?
RichardNixon's Avatar
You in town? Originally Posted by XxOneTimexX
This thread is eight years old.
myren1900's Avatar

And the handle is quite appropriate. XxOneTimexX just made the first post after being a member for over 12 years !