Obama Has Lost His Mind

Obamas lips are moving, so he's lying, spreading fear and hate among seniors by somehow connecting SS and military payments to the debt ceiling debate. Those are both self funded, and mutually exclusive to the debt ceiling. Facts: Bush debt from $3Biil to $6Bill in 8 years. We were attacked on 9/11. Obama debt. $6 Bill to $14+ Bill in 32 months. And he wants more!
Facts: Bush debt from $3Biil to $6Bill in 8 years. We were attacked on 9/11. Obama debt. $6 Bill to $14+ Bill in 32 months. And he wants more! Originally Posted by Txfishkiller


Once again, you prove you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Our current national debt stands at $14.2 TRILLION dollars.

Going back to Roosevelt, including Obama:

Democrats have added $3.4 trillion to our National debt
Republicans have added ...wait for it....

***$9.8 TRILLION ***

You'd be better off deleting this thread before anyone capable of forming a thought has a chance to see it.