P411 LE Infiltrations and reactions vs another board that takes them seriously

P411 LE Infiltrations and reactions vs another board that takes them seriously

Long history of LE use of P411 and uncooperative responses by Gina. Now I have experienced the same with two suspicious P411 listings related to Phoenix in the last few months.

P411 blames any suspicions on lies and false rumors even with strong evidence there may be LE use of P411 escort memberships. Initially every one is verified and obviously no one is under aged or being pimped. However LE seem to also get verified and both escorts and clients have flipped under pressure of arrest to cooperate pressure from LE going after in private consenting adults - legal and no big deal in almost all the world except the U.S.

After my experience after the June 2014 FBI stings and Gina's reaction when I had solid evidence about a P411 account, I did some research and was amazed at the infiltration reports of many and the disgust of many regarding Gina's attitude.

One account from early 2014 even says, "I can no longer deny the responsibility that I have to my sisters to report that I strongly believe that the security of the site can no longer be trusted. I was the biggest proponent of P411 for years, but now sadly, I must say that Gina and I exchanged emails today that can leave me with no other impression than that she is working with cops, maybe even the FBI." http://maggiemcneill.wordpress.com/2...g-in-the-milk/

The above is a very long article with zillions of comments about P411. One comment I note is from a respected long-time advocate Bella Robinson who on 1/28/2014 says, "I was thrown off P411 last year because I publicly posted a warning after numerous attempts with Gina to clean up the P411 site and get their security under control...(lots more detail)...Gina/P411 is starting to sound like David Elm the original TER owner who exploited and threatened women if they wouldn’t give freebies to him and his friends."
(at above link in comments).

In a major Spring 2014 bust in Phoenix I warned Gina about a P411 escort was arrested and had her cellphone taken. Another escort in the same police pod saw her! She said its all lies and rumors.

During the FBI June 2014 operation, an escort reported she has been frequently harassed by one caller (Max) who aggressively tries to set up appointments whenever there was an a sting. He could not provide acceptable verification except used a reference of a P411 gal who he says he met on a Friday (during the FBI bust).

The P411 gal was traveling and her schedule showed her in Phoenix that day.

An attempt was made to confirm with the P411 escort that she really did meet with Max as he claimed. In response she avoided the question and asked a direct entrapment question that would indicate that it was LE that at least had control of her P411 account.

Obviously we do not know for sure but Gina got very upset that the P411 escort was assumed to be LE just because she avoided the reference question and asked an entrapment question!

The same report was given to a moderator of a different board who thanked me and immediately suspended the account pending further investigation. The opposite it seems of the P411 attitude.

Years ago I had a great relationship with Gina on LE concerns, but lately she seems more interested in protecting her brand then the safety of women. I had widely recommended P411 for years. I no longer recommend P411. There have been quite a few previously confirmed take over of P411 accounts by LE - the latest in March 2014. However these are only the ones known about as she seems to hide or avoid any suspicions based on solid facts about P411 accounts.

All sites have this risk but some site owners take it more seriously when alerted of evidence of infiltration than Gina seems to with "lies and rumors" or being upset when a P411 escort is assumed to be LE based on the evidence.

Over the years the infiltrations of P411 have been both from customers and escorts that have flipped to give up their logins under LE pressure. P411 seems very well known now in the LE community nationally and could be the next Redbook, although since she is in Canada a bit harder to go after her, so they seem to go after verified folks.

Others have also been raising the alarm for example:
"P411 Infiltrated" http://jennydemilo.com/2013/06/p411-infiltrated/

P411 specifically targeted by the FBI and Denver police in FBI release

"No big secret about LE infiltration of P411"

Also the Appleton Wisconsin and Houston infiltrations before 2013 just a few I recall.

More reports:
May 2014 - Mid TN experienced and continues to experience some very unfortunate events and attitudes. It came to my attention upon return that someone had infiltrated p411 with the result being the arrest of several of my contemporaries. Unfortunately, this is an all too often event that occurs in this community. Yet, what concerned me more than the actual events were the attitude/s that prevailed. I was shocked when I read some of the comments and defenses given and seriously question the motives behind. http://mygfekali.com/blog-single.php?id=56

Has uncle leo ever infiltrated P411?
Over the years, there have been incidents in Arkansas and Michigan where legitimate clients gave up their entire screening portfolio, which were then used to cause problems for the ladies. P411 is only intended to be used as ONE tool in the verification process, everyone is strongly encouraged to do as much additional research as they feel is necessary to stay safe.

A long rant and angry, defensive response from Gina when back in 2009 someone reports LE on her site: http://badboyreport.kr/2009/12/www-p...select-others/

Gina also seems to have a history of removing anyone from P411 that doesn't march to her tune - Lots of ripoff and complaints but some of these may just be personal at http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/Prefer...nternet-716224

A national board moderator with a protection attitude warns a board has been infiltrated: (This can happen on any board so not important which one this is)

"6/28/14 - There have been 3 confirmed reports of LE stings on the board in the last 2 weeks. Everyone needs to be operating from a position or stance of safety first. Checking references, Investigating new peoples whom contact you, and not saying things on the phone or in Email that will incriminate you.

"Hookers get busted, and so do Johns. We all know lots of people who have, and if you do this long enough you will have an LE encounter of the worst kind as well. Lots of us know that sometimes girls flip for LE and there are several here on the board who used to be active who have cut deals.

"I have never before now known of ON board stings. There was one in Kirkland where a board handle booked an app and showed up as LE. There have been 2 instances in Portland now where gals have been busted off the board In both those instances LE tried to get ladies to flip, to get out from having charges filed. In 1 account The lady said she observed the LE manipulating many handles on the board and on xxxxxx board as well.

"A provider was busted earlier this week and was offered a deal that they would rip up her ticket if she gave them her Handle to use. She says she took the ticket instead. This is alarming and not necessarily great for what we’re trying to do here, but I’m worried others may not be as strong as her.

"Everyone needs to stop acting all loosey goosey with personal security and wise up fast. If You see something suspicious please report it to xxxx@gmail.com."

This seems the opposite of Gina and P411 who seems to just want to protect profits and seems unconcerned about safety of her customers.
Wakeup's Avatar
And why do I care if LE has accounts on P411?
GinaXXX's Avatar
Let me point out, for those who aren't familiar with DavePhx, that he has a nearly 20 year history of spreading LE gossip throughout the community, particularly in Arizona.

While most of his information has some basis in fact, the vast majority of his information is laced with bad data, paranoia and exaggeration. Whenever I was aware of him really taking things too far over the years, I would say something to him about it, as he mentions.

This week, he used his P411 account to accuse a provider in Texas of working with LE because she didn't readily give HIM information about another client. He said he was asking her about the client, because another provider had asked him to check the references for her (wtf??). The provider in Texas answered Dave with, "who is the provider?", and Dave accused her of being LE for it.

the P411 escort was assumed to be LE just because she avoided the reference question and asked an entrapment question!
DavePhx is not a reliable source of information. He is upset because I don't take part in the gossip and false accusations, and when it spills over onto P411 I refuse to entertain it.

Anyone who would like to see the email exchange that precipitated this post is welcome to it... and please be aware that this is not the first time he's made a false accusation against someone.

Many people would like to see me turn P411 into a podium for their agendas, but that is not going to happen. I firmly believe that this sort of drama is detrimental to the community in that it steers people away from the real problems that exist.

Here we go again..........

Backpage, Eros, and SipSap (to name a few) are notorious for LE stings, scams, & false advertising. Hordes of people use them every day and somehow manage to get laid.

Better and more useful resources like TER and Eccie also have their share of infiltrations. Over the years I have learned the handles of a half-dozen accounts who are active LE.

P411 has been a very good resource for me, but I know of a couple of cases..........some very close to me.......where provider or clients have been turned by LE under pressure or used
without their knowledge. It happens.

Like Eccie and TER, P411 strives to maintain the integrity of their site. For the most part they succeed. But, your dire warnings that LE has somehow managed to infiltrate P411 seem a bit shrill to me. Especially in light of the fact that this is admittedly an illegal activity. We all need to go about this business with at least one eye open for danger.

So, when you see a new lady or gent, do your homework. Don't trust just one site or one reference. Pay attention to your instincts. When used in this manner, P411 becomes one of many very helpful tools.
Let me point out, for those who aren't familiar with DavePhx, that he has a nearly 20 year history of spreading LE gossip throughout the community, particularly in Arizona. Originally Posted by GinaXXX
Please provide an example? I believe 99% of the time everything I warned about was shown to be true.

You accuse every one this exposes P411 of this.

In the situation Gina refers to I was a member of P411 introduced extensively who I was and wanted to confirm a reference who seemed very suspicious by a escort who he called aggressively every time a bust but she had declined to see him. I asked the P411 companion if she could confirm she saw Max which happens to be one of the days of the FBI raid.

I had valued P411 for many years until recently. Gina kicked me off of P411 because I assumed the entrapment manifestation question and avoiding the question asked made her seem like LE. What else would one conclude? Gina started this by ignoring the facts of what had happened and kicking me off for trying to protect a Phoenix escort.

The only reply she made was asking who the Phoenix companion was

This was an entrapment manifestation question. What difference does it make who the escort was. All I asked if she had a session with Max on a certain date and told her why she was suspicious.

In Phoenix it is illegal for a suspect to ask about an undercover cop if he/she is a cop (Monica Jones case conviction recent example). I was protecting the Phoenix provider as a third person.

Gina or whoever is using her account if not her can spin the tales and attack folks all she wants but some of us speak the truth and are I have been active for decades with no financial interest in providing solid facts since 1996 on the Phoenix Private List.

As shown above I am only one out of zillions of folks that have exposed "Gina's" attitude and defense of her brand instead of caring about protecting customers.
I note I had valued P411 for many years without knowing about all the other issues I found raised by so many others. This issue was started by Gina when after years she kicked me off P411 simply because I thought the P411 escort by answering with an entrapment manifestation question and ignoring the LE issue, and therefore I assumed she was related to LE.

What else would one assume if an entrapment question is asked?

Earlier this year when someone in the same police pod saw a P411 escort arrested with her and everyone's cell phone was taken I e-mailed Gina directly and her response was it was all just a lie and false rumor.

That is not even trying to protect customers on her site.
So Davephx, let's cut to the chase...have you ever been busted, fined, sentenced or thrown in jail because of actions (or inactions) from being a member of P411?

And...it is illegal for LE to seize and search your cellphone without a warrant.
GinaXXX's Avatar
I'd like to point out that the "entrapment manifestation question" that Dave is referring to was "who is the provider (you are checking references for)?"

Now, I'm not a legal expert..... but me-thinks that Dave isn't either.

What is the actual angle here? Gina provides the best hobby tool ever. Her site is safe, reliable and offers great service. If you don't want to use it then don't. You are getting no mileage out of this thread.

I have been a member of p411 for over 8 years. The quality and integrity of the site are the best and Gina is the most professional person I have ever dealt with in the hobby. You always take risks but with p411 you greatly reduce that risk as I have never had a problem.

Thank you Gina for the great service you provide. Most of us really appreciate it.

FUCK YA!!!!!!!!!!
SLUTS UNITED!!!!!!!!!!
All I know is that Gina is about as open as it gets when it comes to dealing with issues as they arise. When situations have come up that threatened the security of P411, she makes all members aware of it. She has been very quick to react when there is evidence that an account has been compromised or may be bogus. Over the years that I have been a P411 member, I have also seen her continually update and change policies in order to ensure that Okays given are legitimate, and to keep the site secure.

Dave, if your speculation was grounded in fact, I have no doubt that Gina would take them seriously and respond appropriately. The idea that she herself may be working with LE is quite simply laughable.
Brick Tamland's Avatar
Love you Gina
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
Thank you for your consistency and hard work Gina. I truly appreciate you and your wonderful staff. P411 gave me my start, I couldn't be where I am today without your assistance!
Thank you Gina for all the hard work you and your staff do. You and your people are the BEST !!
I have also been with P411 since maybe 2007-08 now and have been most exclusive to the site meaning when I went outside of the site for screening had multiple email or pm exchanges and long time waits for any screen clearing for a simple private meet. I also have seen many alerts in the past feeling safe on the site as a provider. Things in hobby land have really changed in the past 5-8 years. Another thank you Gina from myself for a site to provide from that is enjoyable on my part. ~EB~
How do we know Dave is not LE????