Who is the Dictator?

berryberry's Avatar
Executive orders by president in the first week of office.

Senile Biden: 33

Barack Obama: 5

Donald J. Trump: 4

Bill Clinton: 1

George W. Bush: 0

Remember when Democrats accused Pres. Trump of being a dictator?
But how many insurrections did the others incite?

Or are you ok with that too?
Trump didn't physically tell them to go raise hell at the Capitol building.

This is another example of where nobody can say anything good about Biden. Even the Democrats can't say good things. They can only bash Trump. Which again makes me wonder is anyone really Pro-Biden or are they all just Anti-Trump. Big difference.
chizzy's Avatar
But how many insurrections did the others incite?

Or are you ok with that too? Originally Posted by swpa1706
I would take a bet that you didnt even know the word "insurrections " until cnn started throwing it around

Please show me anywhere in his speech that he promoted or asked for violence in any way.......

Now, you would have to get off off cnn and actually read his speech and report back

I wont hold my breath
berryberry's Avatar
But how many insurrections did the others incite?

Or are you ok with that too? Originally Posted by swpa1706
Not ONE single person on that list incited any insurrection.

But back to the point - Who is the Dictator? Hint - look at the senile bastard with 33 Executive Orders
  • El-mo
  • 01-28-2021, 06:37 AM
I’m sure you know that most of Biden‘s executive orders have been reversals of Trump executive orders.

This has really become tiresome. Don’t you have somewhere else to share these right wing shit takes? No one wants to see this shit here. You’re making this board a toxic space, for no good reason. Take that shit to Facebook or somewhere.
snoopy75's Avatar
If I remember correctly, the first political posts on this board were along the lines of "Trump, worst president ever" and "Get rid of the electoral college" so there have been plenty of threads started on either "side". Now "the Sandbox" is purely political, which is fine with me as long as it stays to this forum and none of the others.
berryberry's Avatar
I’m sure you know that most of Biden‘s executive orders have been reversals of Trump executive orders.

This has really become tiresome. Don’t you have somewhere else to share these right wing shit takes? No one wants to see this shit here. You’re making this board a toxic space, for no good reason. Take that shit to Facebook or somewhere. Originally Posted by El-mo
What do you know. El-Mo wants to shut down discussions he doesn't like and falsely labels it "right wing shit".
Just like Communist China and Nazi Germany.
But yet he has posted plenty of left wing crap over the years

I guess El-mo supported burning books too

Thankfully, ECCIE allows free speech as long as it is within their rules. And current events is certainly a subject of interest for some
But how many insurrections did the others incite?

Or are you ok with that too? Originally Posted by swpa1706
Oh fuck you. Why dont you read the transcript of the speech in its entirety moron. People like Harris and Waters came straight out and told their followers to go after people. What fucking moron.
lustylad's Avatar
I’m sure you know that most of Biden‘s executive orders have been reversals of Trump executive orders. Originally Posted by El-mo
Why don't you quantify that for us? Exactly how many of his first 33 EOs were reversals of Trump's EOs?

Inquiring minds want to know!
berryberry's Avatar
Why don't you quantify that for us? Exactly how many of his first 33 EOs were reversals of Trump's EOs?

Inquiring minds want to know! Originally Posted by lustylad
I suspect MSNBC and his DNC talking points memo didn't provide that information

But how many insurrections did the others incite?

Or are you ok with that too? Originally Posted by swpa1706
Awwww...SWPA, I'm sorry, did I offend you? Sorry sweetie, I'll play more gentle. Dont send me PM's about things you dont have the balls to say in public. People like you make me sick. You pick and choose only the facts you want to hear.

Then when someone calls you out on your shit you run to mommy to report them lol. Yes, I got points because you reported me for my comment, now ask me if I care?
Thankfully, ECCIE allows free speech as long as it is within their rules. Originally Posted by berryberry
Ummmmmm....so does Twitter.

HDGristle's Avatar
Your facts are a bit off.

Directionally your logic is reasonable regarding the volume of executive actions taken in the time period, but there were only 22 numbered executives orders added to the federal register as of today.

EO's 13985 through 14006

You can't get to 33 without adding in other executive actions, like memoranda and proclamations.

Restorations, Revocations, Modifications and Suspensions:
  • 13985: revokes 13950 and 13958
  • 13986: revokes 13880
  • 13990: restores 13754, revokes 13766, 13778, 13783, 13795, 13868, 13927, 13807, portions of 13834 and places a 90 suspension on 13920
  • 13992: revokes 13771, 13777, 13875, 13981, 13982 and 13983
  • 13983: revokes 13768
  • 13403: revokes 13957, 13836, 13837 and 13839
  • 13405: revokes 13788, 13858, 13975 and modifies 13881 by superseding where it conflicts

Trump EO's were 13765 through 13984

That's just uneditorialized data. Your other numbers tie out to numbered EO's during first week. You would have to dig to do a true comparison of other non-numbered actions. Feel free to do so.

Numbered EO's of last 8 Admins
  • Trump: 220 executive orders (1 Term) - 55 per year
  • Obama: 276 executive orders (2 Terms) - 35 per year
  • W Bush: 291 executive orders (2 Terms) - 36 per year
  • Clinton: 364 executive orders (2 Terms) - 46 per year
  • HW Bush: 166 executive orders (1 Term) - 42 per year
  • Reagan: 381 executive orders (2 Terms) - 48 per year
  • Carter: 320 executive orders (1 Term) - 80 per year


berryberry's Avatar
Your facts are a bit off.

Directionally your logic is reasonable regarding the volume of executive actions taken in the time period, but there were only 22 numbered executives orders added to the federal register as of today.

EO's 13985 through 14006

You can't get to 33 without adding in other executive actions, like memoranda and proclamations.
Originally Posted by HDGristle
Thanks for the clarification. I do appreciate accuracy and strive for it in everything I post. I got my numbers from media reports but based on your data, they were not completely accurate

That said, this point remains the same - 22 executive orders is still far more than any other President in recent history (maybe all history)