Last week tonight sex work segment

John Oliver put in his take on the sex work industry and how it should be decriminalized. Would be nice if this were to start a National discussion but we know it won’t!
They won't let women have complete control over their health on a national level. We're a long way from them being able to legally "rent" their body.

Thanks christians for keeping the world safe from sin! /s
It's not the women's body people have problems with, it is the child that cannot speak for himself or herself.
Oh man....where's the popcorn icon when you need it...
Yeah.....the child that is dead inside that Woman? Or how about that 10 year old that got raped and ended up pregnant. What about her fucking choice.
Good point of course. I have never been a middle of the road person about most things. I vote conservative all the time. But for some reason I am adamant about the right for a woman to terminate a pregnancy. Now I don't mean pulling a 7 or 8 month baby out of the womb and intentionally killing it. But within reason it should be a right to terminate an unwanted pregnancy at a very early stage. Many Drs will not see Medicaid patients because the reimbursement is so pathetic and many recipients of this free and expensive care do not appreciate how difficult it is for private Drs like me to pay my staff a fair wage and still try to survive to pay all the other bills. Several months out of every year for the last few years I have been unable pay myself any salary at all. I am a health care practitioner and about half of my patients are young women with children all in the welfare system....Section 8, food stamps, Medicaid etc. Many others are those with moderate or severe disabilities...I love them all.
No matter where you are or where you go there are good mothers, and bad mothers, good fathers and bad fathers. In my life I have witnessed people of wealth who were absolutely shitty parents. While I don't like to judge I will say it is much too easy for men to run away from there parental responsibilities and let the taxpayers pay their bills. I'm sorry if I offended anyone but even as a Conservative, I really do wish that Roe vs Wade would be codified into Federal law. If you don't believe in abortion THEN DON'T HAVE ONE but stay the hell out of other people's lives. A 33 year old women in the ghetto with 9 children wants to terminate a pregnancy should have a right to do it. Otherwise, we just keep filling up our prisons and letting the crime rate soar.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
They won't let women have complete control over their health on a national level. We're a long way from them being able to legally "rent" their body.

Thanks christians for keeping the world safe from sin! /s Originally Posted by JustForFun.1
Blaming the Christians is weak. In LA they've pretty much decriminalized prostitution (loitering actually) and women's lives have not gotten better. In fact, I say that sex slavery has increased as most penalties have been reduced.

What about all those other democrat run cities. Why is prostitution still illegal? Maybe something the politicians can hold over people?
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Yeah.....the child that is dead inside that Woman? Or how about that 10 year old that got raped and ended up pregnant. What about her fucking choice. Originally Posted by Nikkilove91
You want an exception for those two things? Granted. That stops about 1% of abortions then. How about you stop the other 99% for shits and giggles?
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Good point of course. I have never been a middle of the road person about most things. I vote conservative all the time. But for some reason I am adamant about the right for a woman to terminate a pregnancy. Now I don't mean pulling a 7 or 8 month baby out of the womb and intentionally killing it. But within reason it should be a right to terminate an unwanted pregnancy at a very early stage. Many Drs will not see Medicaid patients because the reimbursement is so pathetic and many recipients of this free and expensive care do not appreciate how difficult it is for private Drs like me to pay my staff a fair wage and still try to survive to pay all the other bills. Several months out of every year for the last few years I have been unable pay myself any salary at all. I am a health care practitioner and about half of my patients are young women with children all in the welfare system....Section 8, food stamps, Medicaid etc. Many others are those with moderate or severe disabilities...I love them all.
No matter where you are or where you go there are good mothers, and bad mothers, good fathers and bad fathers. In my life I have witnessed people of wealth who were absolutely shitty parents. While I don't like to judge I will say it is much too easy for men to run away from there parental responsibilities and let the taxpayers pay their bills. I'm sorry if I offended anyone but even as a Conservative, I really do wish that Roe vs Wade would be codified into Federal law. If you don't believe in abortion THEN DON'T HAVE ONE but stay the hell out of other people's lives. A 33 year old women in the ghetto with 9 children wants to terminate a pregnancy should have a right to do it. Otherwise, we just keep filling up our prisons and letting the crime rate soar. Originally Posted by Johny Montana
By your argument, anyone who goes into a crime ridden section of town gets everything they deserve including death by dismemberment. Even (follow me here) if they are there involuntarily which is the way the baby finds itself. Kind of like blaming the victim.
Good point of course. I have never been a middle of the road person about most things. I vote conservative all the time. But for some reason I am adamant about the right for a woman to terminate a pregnancy. Now I don't mean pulling a 7 or 8 month baby out of the womb and intentionally killing it. But within reason it should be a right to terminate an unwanted pregnancy at a very early stage. Many Drs will not see Medicaid patients because the reimbursement is so pathetic and many recipients of this free and expensive care do not appreciate how difficult it is for private Drs like me to pay my staff a fair wage and still try to survive to pay all the other bills. Several months out of every year for the last few years I have been unable pay myself any salary at all. I am a health care practitioner and about half of my patients are young women with children all in the welfare system....Section 8, food stamps, Medicaid etc. Many others are those with moderate or severe disabilities...I love them all.
No matter where you are or where you go there are good mothers, and bad mothers, good fathers and bad fathers. In my life I have witnessed people of wealth who were absolutely shitty parents. While I don't like to judge I will say it is much too easy for men to run away from there parental responsibilities and let the taxpayers pay their bills. I'm sorry if I offended anyone but even as a Conservative, I really do wish that Roe vs Wade would be codified into Federal law. If you don't believe in abortion THEN DON'T HAVE ONE but stay the hell out of other people's lives. A 33 year old women in the ghetto with 9 children wants to terminate a pregnancy should have a right to do it. Otherwise, we just keep filling up our prisons and letting the crime rate soar. Originally Posted by Johny Montana
I get your point, (I guess) but its a little late for the 33 yr old mother of 9 in the ghetto to start worrying about termination OR birth control at this point, don't you think?
If the possibility of pregnancy and transmission of STD's are eliminated as a possibility, how the hell is sexual intercourse or fellatio for money any business of the State?
They won't let women have complete control over their health on a national level. We're a long way from them being able to legally "rent" their body.

Thanks christians for keeping the world safe from sin! /s Originally Posted by JustForFun.1
So you really think the militant lesbian feminists are cool with legalized prostitution?

Note that Biden is cool with a biological man flipping his tits out at a White House picnic but don't begin to suggest that consenting adults can make a commercial agreement for sexual services.

You really need to quit getting your opinions from your JuCo sociology instructor.
Oh man....where's the popcorn icon when you need it... Originally Posted by KCFalcon77
Originally Posted by RManFlint
Just knew that this is one of THOSE topics you should just sit back and watch while shit blows up all around you....