Saying Good Bye !!!!

lexie423's Avatar
Well I know that yall think I'm crazy because I told you I was retiring in July & getting married. That's was the plan but it didn't work out for very well and I told everyone that I was staying in the business. Well things have changed and I'm saying Good Bye and I will miss you very much it has been a great 3 yrs. have mad a lot of friends and feel like you guys have been there with threw so many diffrent thing that happened good and bad. I will miss y'all and hope the best for you guys. I'm not getting married to that guy. But I did find someone that I'm seeing and I'm very happy with him. My work was getting in the way so I'm looking for another job doing something else. So in saying Good Bye!!! Stay Safe and Have Fun!!!

LexieRox ")& My Lil Kitty!!!!!

P.S. making sure that I made it clear that I'm not working anymore starting today! Sorry for such short notice but that just the way it happened.
Best Wishes to You!!! Happiness is yours to enjoy.
You are one of the finest individuals, that anyone could ever be lucky to meet.
Memories are awesome, and I will always remember your Laugh, Smile, and Personality above all.
Have a great time.
You shall be missed, always had a great time with you. But good look to you in the future and I hope you have everything you ever dream of.
Sorry to hear you are retiring but I wish you the best at whatever you decide to do.
Always heard great things about you and was never ever able to get by to see the little kitty but always had you on my list.
Good luck with your retirement - may life treat you well.
  • 09-11-2012, 06:06 PM
Really hate that I didn't get that chance to do the legend but best wishes and u and ur little kitty be good !!
Lexie, you've always been so sweet to me in our conversations even though we never got to meet. You deserve to be happy. Thank you!

sovanna's Avatar
Awww happy for you. Many blessings and good luck with everything.
I am so happy for you - you'll know who I am when I say that the Lord Jesus Christ will restore all of the years the enemy has stolen from you. He loves you so very much, and He taught me so much through you.
Love you Lex. Dont forget we are friends first and still in the same town. Keep in touch.
Very happy for you sweetie.
DallasRain's Avatar
I am so sad for me & so happy for you at the same time!

I will really miss our playtimes...but wish you the best!

{keep in touch}
lexie423's Avatar
Thank you all yall will be missed by me too ") thank for showing me love. You are my friend HJones on both sides love you all & and miss you too. But very happy in my new life too. I want ever forget y'all hope you don't forget me either.

LexieRox & My Lil Kitty!!!!!!
When I was a newbie with no references, Lexie took a chance on me. Gave me my first approval. And the rest is history. I will always be thankful for her kindness and friendship over the past years. But all good things must finally come to an end. I like everyone who knows Lexie, only want her to be happy. Best of luck, and thanks for the memories, your the greatest.
lexie423's Avatar
Thank you you have been a great friend to me racer2210 I will miss you!!! You helped me in so many ways.
Ok now I'm sad! Hey babes make sure to stay in touch and let's get together next time u come home for a visit! Love and miss u