
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Now that the election is over and the left has stopped calling the right fascists....no, but seriously, what is this fascism that the left keeps calling people? As far as the left is concerned if you oppose what they want to do, when they want to do it, as often as they want to do it then you are a fascist. Other cultures may call them parents but you know the left. Emotionally immature.
More seriously, fascism is an unholy union between Big Government and Big Business. Now some of you with fragile minds are yelling NO, NO, NO but here is the evidence; we'll use Hitler as the left's favorite whipping boy. To get business on board you can use money, influence, or true believers. Before Hitler got in power, his people started to systematically dismantle the press in Germany. Offices were ransacked, vendors were attacked, and mass quantities of papers were destroyed before delivery. Once Hitler was elected he could easily go to the remaining papers and promise them that they would be left alone...if they didn't cross the party. Reporters could be promised access to Nazi leaders in exchange for good coverage. Think about Silicon Valley today. They get access that sites like Fox News cannot. They get lucrative government contracts for supporting one party over another. Hitler just didn't motivate the press but industry as well. Of course, industrial giants like Krupp knew that they would make millions of Marks making weapons of war but others like Porsche were given the inducement of big paydays from government. All business had to do was to enforce party policies and racial preferences. They did.
Culturally, the Nazis forced dissenters and Jews out of the entertainment industry. Many fled to England which was not too friendly either but most stopped in France and the United States. The Nazis sent representatives to Hollywood with lists of approved individuals that Hollywood could hire. Most of Hollywood went along with these demands. Reporters were denied entry to Germany.
Okay, flash forward. The internet moguls have supported the democrat party with millions in direct donations and millions more in discrete services (off the books). We've seen how Coke, United, and Levi have abandoned any principals to support democrats. How about those pharmaceutical companies? They announce three days AFTER the election that they have the vaccine. They know that they are going to make hundreds of millions from the vaccine but I'm sure that someone from the left said to them that a lot more will be ordered by Biden...and he did. He ordered hundreds of million more doses than was necessary at a cost to the taxpayers.
Big Business finds it very profitable to support the democrats and all they have to do is to promote the democratic agenda. Promote only those on board with the program and find ways to dismiss those who are not. Even the military is being conditioned to submit to the democrat will. The new Secretary of Defense is a left leaner. We have generals and admirals in uniform making statements opposing Trump policies.

We are on the verge of having a left wing fascist government in this country. Many cops are quitting rather than work under these unfavorable conditions. How many military personnel will do the same if given a chance? The New York Times has reported on how the military is finding ways to rid the military rank and file of "extremists". They mean Americans who oppose transgender bullshit, favoring China, and allowing illegals to trash out borders. They have to make room for those who will do what has to be done to support the left including maybe bringing Antifa into uniform...just like Hitler did his Brown Shirts. How do you think they could find enough people to man the concentration camps? Regular citizens just don't do that to other people. We have a lot of people calling for the death of right wingers out there. Those are your future camp guards.
LexusLover's Avatar
...what is this fascism that the left keeps calling people? ... Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
They see it every morning when they get up and look in the mirror.

In the past 5 or so years there has been a pattern developed by the CommunistSocialistLiberalRacis ts that is the consequence of an ineffective educational system that discards math, such as 2+2=4, as a logical analytical concept, and "teaches" them to accuse others of doing what they are doing ...

... the first "hint" of it was alleging the "pussy grabbing" activities of a political opponent .... something THEIR CENTRAL FIGURES have been doing for decades .... then it morphed into claiming their opposition was "colluding" with the Russians ...

... they accuse others of doing what they do.

Did you know that a U.S. astronaut just rode with a Russian astronaut to the U.S. maintained Space Station?

Bitten-Kumola are still .... "colluding" with the Russians!

BTW: The accurate description of the current state of affairs is:

"AN ELECTION IS OVER" ... there are more to come!

The CommunistSocialistLiberal are not only RACISTS they are FACISTS ... just look what they are doing to the minorities they've invited into this country to get their vote for which they are bribing them. FACISTS and RACISTS use fear to frighten others in the community from interfering with their mischief and stealing.

Antifa are their "brown shirts"! And now BLM has joined Antifa.

Please don't ever forget: Trump is a Democrat. They are afraid of him, which is why they tried to impeach him TWICE so he couldn't run again. They knew what they were going to do after they stole this past election and they knew it would piss off the voters for the next one. And IT IS!

Remember: They didn't learn "2+2=4"!
rexdutchman's Avatar
Oh you mean like pudding and chief
pfunkdenver's Avatar
I think reading this thread lowered my IQ. lol!
I think reading this thread lowered my IQ. lol! Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
Shit if that's the case you're in a negative zone now, lol.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
I could dumb it down some more for you but I might hurt myself doing it.
LexusLover's Avatar
I could dumb it down some more for you but I might hurt myself doing it. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Please don't. They just need to blame someone for their syndrome.

Trump is out of office. They think he's "gone"!

They have already forgotten why a 2nd impeachment effort with a majority of loonaticks in control.