OH2 Shutdown?

Broncos's Avatar
Anyone else able to access the site?

It tells me that the account has been suspended by its isp.

Is this the end?
raghupundit's Avatar
Seeing the same.
The website host has terminated their account. It's my understanding OH2 is backed up, and this has happened before from what I understand.
I am going to stay away from Oh2 for a bit when and if it comes back.
Gotta pay the bills!!! Looks like the host had enough with the unsecure website.
You could have done a search this isn't new & will probably happen again. Maybe join an already existing discussion.



Even today
not offended at the question, probably is down. Not sure why anyone cares though. Most of the chicks that advertise on there are absolute whales.
I have not been going for a while now, most talented providers have transitioned to mostly only fans and the ones that can't get traffic are providing on OH2.
Sad state of affairs frankly, but probably good for my wallet and there mental health... Till of course they hit the wall ... and are then forced ... by there own poor decision making not some magical force like toxic masculinity (more like dipshit femininity) to go back to providing... But by then, I will not care as well...
So really only good for my wallet.
ahab11's Avatar
Time to checkout PacePro.Net but the problem is girls who require references, MOST, were very dependent on OH2 to verify new clients.
Helicool's Avatar
It was working for me for a minute, then got errors, uneducated guessing that it is either another DOS attack or throttled at the IP.
jakob's Avatar
  • jakob
  • 12-28-2023, 09:26 AM
That and getting references for paceprp
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
working for me ..
CKJAmore's Avatar
I was able to login (or so I think).
But I can’t see ‘Coed forum’ or the ‘Locker Room’. It also gives ‘Resource limit exceeded’ errors.
Went from account suspended to.. website loading but not really fully correct.. and yeah.. resources limit errors.
pmdelites's Avatar
marvel21, 1st & 3rd links return this ...
"pmdelites, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons: ..."
2nd one is from earlier this month.

just attempted to browse to oh2 and got this ...
"Resource Limit Is Reached
The website is temporarily unable to service your request as it exceeded resource limit. Please try again later."

what was that about all of one's eggs and one basket??
CG2014's Avatar
It's working for me

pmdelites's Avatar
cg, any special browser and/or machine?

i'm using a hp laptop w/ brave browser going to https://home.ourhome2.net/
after the "The connection to home.ourhome2.net is not secure",
a partial page w/ lots of gobbledeegook. i can go to dallas page, but more gibberish. cant login either.

oh well.