The movie ~The Doll.

Zena's Avatar
  • Zena
  • 11-08-2017, 08:24 AM
Hey guys. I heard a rumor that someone in Hollywood got The Human Barbie chick, Valeria ( something ) that you see on the internet sometimes, to be in a movie, about a "doll" that goes psycho and starts killing people. Supposedly the movie plot is 2 guys try to order a hot escort from an agency, and a hot woman shows up , kind of.... But she starts killing people ? Wtf ??? Kind of a -Chucky- gone wrong ? Crazy !
I laughed when I heard about it.
I dont think its supposed to be funny. I think its supposed to be a horror film, but I would love to hear YOUR thoughts on this. ???
I dont think it will do well at the theatres.... ( but it sounds funny as hell, if the movie-rumor is true! ) Haha! I dont know.
Just my opinion.
Thanks! Zena.
Groovy Johnson's Avatar
I read that the director(a female) has a background in psychology and was able to exploit that knowledge for a more intense,scary effect.
So it COULD be a better than average slasher movie.
Also I think it MIGHT stimulate the escort biz. I predict lots of newbies seeking supermodel-types.
Early Dec release. No reviews out yet.
artist6338's Avatar
I called that same escort!!!����
Zena's Avatar
  • Zena
  • 11-12-2017, 01:12 PM
Artist you crack me up!
When can I see you again?
You are wilder than an Energizer bunny - powered by Duracell and Red Bulls!
ddaddict65's Avatar
I may have to see this movie. Heh heh.