Rough Day

Groovy Johnson's Avatar
Had a bad day at work.
Sure could use a vacation.

Or maybe pizza and an orgasm.
Zena's Avatar
  • Zena
  • 01-21-2018, 02:15 PM
I can help you with 1 or 2 of those things !
Im not Domino's and Im not a Travel agent...but ummmmm...

( hope it gets better. )
Sassygidget1212's Avatar
Sorry you had a bad day if you wanna play I'm a phone call away
knotty man's Avatar
damn bro, you hit the lotto.
you got an oral goddess as well as a greek goddess to choose from
Hell I am with you!
One day is bad enough!
My One day has decided to
Go marathon.
Pizza and orgasm!?!
Hell to the hell yes and not necessarily in that order