Non hobby sites that are legit

In Waco for the night and looking for a lady to have some fun with. What other sites besides hobby sites have y’all guys got lucky on?
david1978's Avatar
There are so many, im curious if any are worth it,
Etc etc.

Im curious myself on this, the only one I have done is SA and so far its a lot of with with little payout, but someone has to try.
I have a lot of experience with seekingarrangment. Here are the bad signs:
Do NOT proceed if she:
Asked for the money upfront before intimacy - she would be a scammer
Talked you about her bills right off the bat
Talked to you about her electricity or phone getting cut off
Asked for money to simply meet and greet

If you avoid those, there are a lot of pretty and willing girls there; but you have to look carefully. I have been with quite a few; so ask if you need help