Helping The Transition From ASPD (1950) to Eccie (2019)

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
It dawned on me that I should try to be more understanding of other perspectives. So I'd like to extend an olive branch or peace offering to a few of the old timers who been around and may not particularly care for my brand of hobby related progress. Heretofore, since I know how to make yall smile and since I know what yall a gesture of goodwill I've replaced my Hobby I-pod Trap Music with 19th century southern male classics. Let's all make peace.

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Ohh imagine playing this enroute to a session. Man you bound to straight up murder da pussy

Lester Krinklesac's Avatar
It’s not just old timers or your “type” of humor.
You’re not funny and no one likes you.
When you die, peace will be had.
You racist piece of Archie Bunker’s shit!
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Lester please dont say anything to get yourself banned. I fear you are close. Stick to the topic and dont make this about SC. You're gonna have to comply with the rules like everyone else...your rudeness and harrassment must stop. I wont hit the RTM this time but I'm sure Darth is watching. You're hurting my feelings and it must stop. ;-)
Lester Krinklesac's Avatar
Truthfully I don’t think they give a shit about anything said to you or your other handles.
They know your just fucking idiot spam.
So fuck off properly you fucking gaping pussy!
DarthMaul's Avatar
...You racist piece of Archie Bunker’s shit! Originally Posted by Lester Krinklesac

Truthfully I don’t think they give a shit about anything said to you or your other handles.
They know your just fucking idiot spam.
So fuck off properly you fucking gaping pussy! Originally Posted by Lester Krinklesac

...your rudeness and harrassment must stop. I wont hit the RTM this time but I'm sure Darth is watching. You're hurting my feelings and it must stop. ;-) Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
No, I'm not. I have better things to do...
No, I'm not. I have better things to do...
Originally Posted by DarthMaul
Then on top of the points you gave krinklesac, I recommend you give some to the original poster for creating this baiting and argumentative thread that was purely designed to provoke and create discord in this forum.

This thread should be locked.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
This thread is for fun loving people genuinely disposed to contributing something positive to the discussion. Reminiscing on the good old days and applying that to hobby life 2019.

If that's not your flavor then dont participate.
You never need to bother or try to sell your bullshit to me.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
You never need to bother or try to sell your bullshit to me. Originally Posted by Eidolon
Why are you angry? This is a fun loving thread.

I hate Lester got banned but seems he was openly asking for it.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
This is a fun loving thread. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

If you say so, but color me skeptical.

I hate Lester got banned but seems he was openly asking for it. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

So are you and shine with your continuous spamming of this site with threads started that are meant to get a negative response.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
If you say so, but color me skeptical.

So are you and shine with your continuous spamming of this site with threads started that are meant to get a negative response. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN

I do not SPAM and i resent the notion that I do. I post relative, trendy, up to date progressive topics. I wanted and asked for positive responses so how much more granular and transparent can I get. You decided to give me negative and well that's no good. If people would do as instructed and be kind and stay on topic they wouldnt constantly frustrate themselves.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Well,.......resent away.
DarthMaul's Avatar
Then on top of the points you gave krinklesac, I recommend you give some to the original poster for creating this baiting and argumentative thread that was purely designed to provoke and create discord in this forum.

This thread should be locked. Originally Posted by Eidolon

We are advised NOT to lock threads unless a question asked is answered or it goes way off the subject matter and starts becoming an insult fest.

I will make this plain as day, as long as he posts something and you respond, he will keep creating threads. Some of you jump on his thread to "straighten him out" or "give my 2 cents". That's the worse thing that you can do. I thought this was a "hobby board"??
  • pxmcc
  • 03-10-2019, 11:01 PM
gents if you like the quality of the threads in Coed, why don't you start some threads that measure up? and threads that you dont like should definitely be ignored. if you think someone is an attention hoe, then taking the time to give them attention-even if its negative-is counterproductive.

i have no dog in this fight, as i dont really start a lot of threads here unless i think at least some ppl might find it to be a topic of interest. and i will always consider constructive criticism.