Shine's foooking hooka site; Da Great!

So Shine Da Great was sipping on some foooking mimosas with a pale blond Caucasian queen and she said(da great) why don't you start your own hooka board. You are brilliant! Ok. No problem. Shine Da Great doesn't have any money but my OG has plenty and all his padnas are paid too. My hooka board will be different. No mods at all. Well maybe one, but there will be zero points handed out and everything goes. I'll even incorporate a separate deal where if two members really got beef with each other well set up an amateur boxing match at one of the local strip clubs I'm a VIP at. Or a lounge. Sort of like da original OG did with Harlem Night's, the king J Prince. So what you'll think eccos and eccaa. Although, any comment less than I'm foooking brilliant will be deleted by my homegirl BThree(I call her tresbo) Shine Da Great. Tooodlez....
Spoogebob Cumpants's Avatar
Yes you really should, start it today. Bye
Yes you really should, start it today. Bye Originally Posted by Spoogebob Cumpants
Your foooking comnent will be deleted. Please read the rules. Shine Da Great. Tooodlez..
Spoogebob Cumpants's Avatar
What rule is that?
Same tree. You the man shine!
What rule is that?
Encouragement? Originally Posted by Spoogebob Cumpants
No jackass. If you can't foooking read tresbo will help me out. Any comment, especially by a foooking weirdo who makes multiple accounts. Like your life has got to be foooking miserable. Your comment will be gone once tresbo wakes up.
Same tree. You the man shine! Originally Posted by tbone2u
I'm Shine Da Great. I've been reborn. Please address me as Shine Da Great. Shine Da Great. Tooodlez peasant...,
Spoogebob Cumpants's Avatar
No jackass. If you can't foooking read tresbo will help me out. Any comment, especially by a foooking weirdo who makes multiple accounts. Like your life has got to be foooking miserable. Your comment will be gone once tresbo wakes up. Originally Posted by shinepro
Don’t hold your breath, would hate to see you hurt yourself.
boardman's Avatar
How many points is Jackass now worth? Used to be 3...Ashole was worth 2.

Insults = 2
boardman's Avatar

Insults = 2 Originally Posted by B Three

Well dammit...I was told I got a discount because I only used one "s"
I have a question and it's not directed directly to you B3.
It seems like points are being handed out selectively.
Shine can call someone a jackass and that's just fine. SC can THREATEN a lady on the board...enough that the mods have to go to the trouble to remove his threatening post but yet he's still here. He should have been banned for the threats...end of story. Now he has "turned over a leaf" and all is forgiven and he's Mr. Niceguy and we are instructed to follow his lead? No one on here believes that for one millisecond. Why is this board so intent on protecting these two. Ever since they started their spamming the ladies on this board have completely stopped talking in co-ed. Surely someone else thinks the same as me.
Eccie needs to change this forum from Co-ed to Racebaiting and Politics.

The members are not responsible for what has become of co-ed....the mods are.
I have a question and it's not directed directly to you B3.
It seems like points are being handed out selectively.
Shine can call someone a jackass and that's just fine. SC can THREATEN a lady on the board...enough that the mods have to go to the trouble to remove his threatening post but yet he's still here. He should have been banned for the threats...end of story. Now he has "turned over a leaf" and all is forgiven and he's Mr. Niceguy and we are instructed to follow his lead? No one on here believes that for one millisecond. Why is this board so intent on protecting these two. Ever since they started their spamming the ladies on this board have completely stopped talking in co-ed. Surely someone else thinks the same as me.
Eccie needs to change this forum from Co-ed to Racebaiting and Politics.

The members are not responsible for what has become of co-ed....the mods are. Originally Posted by tbone2u
I’m not going to comment on specific members infractions, but how in the world to you purport to know who gets infractions for what? I gave out more infractions yesterday in this forum than I probably have given out in my entire tenure. I’m sure several people can raise their hand and say that they heard from me....

I will say that y’all were all screaming bloody murder that you wanted someone to come in and get this forum under control. It would appear from the numerous PMs that I received, that I made at least a darn good effort of that and put certain requests in place. I also believe in St. C’s philosophy of guiding members to better behavior when possible and using banning as a last resort.

I’m an extremely fair and equitable person, by nature and by training and you will be hard pressed to find solid examples of me being selective when dealing with members.

There is more than enough blame to go around for what happens in any forum. But if people stop responding to threads they find offensive one of two things will happen, the thread will die or the person will stop posting.

Problem solved.
I have strong suspicions that SC and TM are one and the same..."extending the olive branch"...Hummm
edited... not worth the thoughts regarding shinepro.

I disagree with your conclusion of the problem being "solved" as you have laid it out.

A counter-example to your logic is:
If your bed is in the middle of the freeway, and you put your head under the covers while ignoring the cars, ask this: Are you safe?

Using the logic you provided, one can indicate they are safe because they can ignore what is going on around them. The question then becomes: Does that correct the problem, such as a false perception of reality some seem to have? The correct answer is, of course not, the problem is not solved for a variety of reasons that should be clearly obvious.

The spamming of the site by a few that need not be named but know exactly who they are even if they are in denial of it, cannot be ignored nor allowed to continue unless the owners want a trash site, in my opinion.

I quit posting years ago because this site had become a cesspool of trash, in particular, the Houston forum, which is my opinion, due to bad actors not being actively contained such as D_J has suggested.

I am only posting this “opinion” one time because I am sick and tired of the shit I am seeing on the site, e.g. this thread is a prime example.

To all: Good luck cleaning this mess up... you are going to need it.

/off rant