What is up with all of the broke providers?

URAPNES's Avatar
I know some ladies will be real defensive about this. I mean most dont pay taxes, get paid almost $200 per hour, and someone always needs $... How many hobbiests come on the board and ask for stuff? I do understand some of this is because of "poor lifestyle choices". But if I do the math, if you only had 1 session per day at just 150, that is 750 per week, 3000 tax free per month, 36k per year tax free. I remember making 36k when i was 22 yrs old and paid taxes and had $ left over. So besides "poor lifestyle choices" where else could the $ be going? Now I know you all dont have healthcare, but last year even being ill, it would have been cheaper to not have insurance and just pay the bills outright. But I am maiking this statement, "36k is enough for a single mom and 2 kids to live off of" , i have a friend who does it. Rent, car payment (and if you have a car payment and broke, you should not have a car payment), food, kids..... what the hell else is there?

So ok, call me judgemental, and asshole, unsympathetic, whatever. Let me be clear about 1 thing. I have nothing but respect for women (espessially providers) who provide a much needed service and bring home the bacon and take care of business.
Well, for starters, the smart ones DO pay taxes. I know I do. Not only that, but when you pay taxes as a self employed person, you pay the full 15% for SS and Medicare. No employer paying half. I'm not half as afraid of LE as I am of the IRS.

Right now, the economy is down. Some girls are rather unscathed by this. Others are doing good to get 2 or 3 appointments a WEEK. It varies.

To be polite, some girls are not good with money-- for a myriad of reasons. Part of it is the whole "easy money cash in hand". Some girls spend what they make today under the assumption that the money will still be there to be made tomorrow. Sometimes tomorrow is nowhere as good as today.
Nevermind....not playing this game.
URAPNES's Avatar
But if you are running a business, and the business does not provide you the funds to pay for your lifes needs, should you not find another business?
I'll get some popcorn and sit back...
Sigh....seems like some people have survived the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression without even noticing the suffering that's going on around them. Most people know someone that's been impacted by the loss of our economy; friends or family losing jobs, gutted 401(k)'s, looking over your shoulder at work and wondering whether your boss is looking at you for the next round of layoffs, suspicions that your company is about to go under, praying that your pension plan isn't going to disappear. It's not just Providers in that boat, it's just about everyone that's employed and without a Trust fund set up by dear old Daddy.

At first impression I thought I would find the question insensitive and insulting. Upon reflection I simply find it sad.
URAPNES's Avatar
regardless of the economy, have you ever met a stripper who was not broke, even in the best economy? This is the phenomenon I am reffering to. You know what, everyone always assumes people have an alterior motive when they ask questions you dont like. Kind of like the "soup nazi" NO SOUP FOR YOU!
Iaintliein's Avatar
First, let me say I really like the avatar.

As for your post though, are you really looking for answers or just controversy? Women come to this site to ask men for material assistance, that is pretty much the deal. Some may use (or over use) the sob story as a marketing tool certainly. But in the end it is none of our business why they come here to ask for the assistance nor what they use it for.

I certainly understand that a straight up approach is better, i.e., need quick cash have short term special etc. I've seen some guys have their feelings hurt because they rode in to the rescue and in later posts saw the more mercenary sides of the damsels they saved, and came away sounding quiet used, but hey, education never really ends.

Just my opinion of course.

regardless of the economy, have you ever met a stripper who was not broke, even in the best economy? This is the phenomenon I am reffering to Originally Posted by URAPNES

Yes, I have met strippers and providers who aren't broke. Some are actually very judicious with their money management and are fairly well off. I have also met providers who are judicious with their money and then some accident befalls them and they get behind. It happens to people in ANY line of work. It all depends on personality. There are many types of people in this world, so it's a mistake to paint everyone with a broad brush.

I'm not sure why you chose to pose this question here. Is it because you feel superior to these "broke providers" you encounter all the time?
URAPNES's Avatar
HEY, i am half broke just like everyone else. But I live life like there is no safety net below me ever, which forces me to provide for myself. It never would occour to me to ask for help. I would just deal with it anyway I could. Reminds me of the Haiti/Katrina situation. Many waited for help. It would never EVER occour to me to wait for any help. I woulf take my family and deal with it any way possible never expecting help to come.
Iaintliein's Avatar
". . . which forces me to provide for myself."

This thread might.

I'd like to suggest we leave this thread and the opinions voiced by the author alone and move on. I suspect it's here to inspire a pissing match. I'm walking away.
shooter6.5's Avatar
If everyone plays well we will leave it open. If not then I will have to shut er down.

The economy has an affect on all of us. This biz has changed due to the heavy influx of new ladies looking to join the adventure. Some manage their money very well and others don't. Really no different than many of the hobbyist.

I do not see an alterior motive here, so lets keep this on track. I am doing my best to support the community, and will continue to--.
Nevermind....not playing this game. Originally Posted by reese foster
Reese,I know a game we can PLAY!
LatexLover's Avatar
Troll alert!!! Don't feed the trolls !!!