Time Machine

Exchequer's Avatar
As I am about to celebrate my first year on ECCIE, I started thinking about what I would do over again and what would I do different if given the chance.

Here are a couple of things I would have done if given the chance to go back in time.
  • I would go back and re-experience each "first time." Nothing is exciting as meeting someone for the first time.
  • A part of me would like to re-do my first encounter. I was so green and had the "deer in the headlights" look going on. I am a lot more comfortable now.
So if you had access to a DeLorean with a working flux capacitor, what would you change?
Exchequer's Avatar
I think the first thing I would do is not post this thread. It totally bombed!

I guess the only threads that gain traction are the ones with controversial titles like..

Wtf is up with all these cheap ass chicks around Springfield?
I would have seen Britt a year earlier than I started seeing her when her rate was $200
DallasRain's Avatar
I would travel more places
austin88998833's Avatar
I would travel more places Originally Posted by DallasRain
But Ms Rain, you have been a few places, no?

tuckahoe's Avatar
I would have dated AR Monroe a lot more than 7 times.
DallasRain's Avatar
Well lol yea

I wanna go back to Woodstock or roaring 20's
OR I really wanna go back in time and be Miss Kitty from Gunsmoke!