Congress Buys The Navy a $400 Million Pork Ship

The secretary of defense doesn't want it. Congress is about to write the check anyway.

The House bill, for example, includes $1.5 billion for an unrequested modern “amphibious” warship for dual land and sea missions, $400 million for four unrequested C-40 aircraft to carry cargo and commanders, and $1 billion worth of unrequested National Guard equipment, a perennial pork-barrel favorite, the Taxpayers for Common Sense report said. The Senate bill itself would add almost $4.3 billion for 49 unrequested programs, including $1 billion for a coast guard ship to break ice in the Arctic and Antarctic, $130 million extra for an unspecified classified program, and $900 million worth of unrequested National Guard equipment.
“Congress wants to pass out the cash and look like they’re being strong on defense,” said Steve Ellis, vice president of Taxpayers for Common Sense and a former U.S. Coast Guard officer. He adds that members are also keen to help home-state contractors, including some that earn billions of dollars annually from Pentagon spending and whose employees in turn give generously to key lawmakers who support the weapons systems they make or service.

Full article:

And the GOP complains about wasted tax dollars on safety nets!!!
The secretary of defense doesn't want it. Congress is about to write the check anyway.

The House bill, for example, includes $1.5 billion for an unrequested modern “amphibious” warship for dual land and sea missions, $400 million for four unrequested C-40 aircraft to carry cargo and commanders, and $1 billion worth of unrequested National Guard equipment, a perennial pork-barrel favorite, the Taxpayers for Common Sense report said. The Senate bill itself would add almost $4.3 billion for 49 unrequested programs, including $1 billion for a coast guard ship to break ice in the Arctic and Antarctic, $130 million extra for an unspecified classified program, and $900 million worth of unrequested National Guard equipment.
“Congress wants to pass out the cash and look like they’re being strong on defense,” said Steve Ellis, vice president of Taxpayers for Common Sense and a former U.S. Coast Guard officer. He adds that members are also keen to help home-state contractors, including some that earn billions of dollars annually from Pentagon spending and whose employees in turn give generously to key lawmakers who support the weapons systems they make or service.

Full article:

And the GOP complains about wasted tax dollars on safety nets!!! Originally Posted by SassySue
They always leave out the part about the thousands of jobs that are created for workers actually building these things.

But I agree. The money wasted on these boondoggles could be better spent upgrading our Countries entire infrastructure.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The military is not a jobs program. If we don't need the weapon, it shouldn't be built. This is what crony capitalism is. And people want to increase the defense budget to subsidize more like this. Ridiculous.
They always leave out the part about the thousands of jobs that are created for workers actually building these things.

But I agree. The money wasted on these boondoggles could be better spent upgrading our Countries entire infrastructure. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Yes, me too. Something much more constructive and useful to society.