I watching Meet the Press at this very moment. Nancy Pelosi is on.
Be honest. How many of you get the urge to heave a large heavy objects at the TV when this stupid, condescending botoxed up hag is on the screen?
Pardon me while I go puke.
explain Originally Posted by CJ7Either be a good little Amerikan or go to jail? What's to explain?
1. if you have health coverage , go back to sleep1. I have no need for health insurance
2, if you don't, you can, at more affordable prices
3, if you opt out there is NO law that sends you to jail
4. you have a choice Originally Posted by CJ7
1. I have no need for health insurance
2. Since there is no price determined yet, that is possibly a lie
3. Yet to be determined, but there are already monetary penalties assessed by the IRS that infringe on one's freedom
4. You have no choice, without consequences that infringe upon one's freedom. Originally Posted by nwarounder