Accidents and help in the hobby family.

Guest101610-2's Avatar
Because of the terrible accidents that have been happening to the people in our hobby I thought it might be a good idea to have a list of people willing to donate blood and what not.

I have blood type O- and am available at a moments notice for the entire metroplex to come and donate to anyone in the hobby that needs it. I get tested constantly so don't worry about getting anything (I know someone just thought that.)

I also have a storage for things needed in cases like that. If things are needed please let me know and I will dig in and see what we have. If anyone wants to donate clothes or supplies let me know as well.

Sometimes all we have is each other and I have been less than perfect lately and need to get back to the top of my game in assistance and not fuckups.
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 08-10-2009, 01:09 PM
Because of the terrible accidents that have been happening to the people in our hobby I thought it might be a good idea to have a list of people willing to donate blood and what not.

I have blood type O- and am available at a moments notice for the entire metroplex to come and donate to anyone in the hobby that needs it. I get tested constantly so don't worry about getting anything (I know someone just thought that.)

I also have a storage for things needed in cases like that. If things are needed please let me know and I will dig in and see what we have. If anyone wants to donate clothes or supplies let me know as well.

Sometimes all we have is each other and I have been less than perfect lately and need to get back to the top of my game in assistance and not fuckups. Originally Posted by LovingKAYLA
Wow Kayla, that is a wonderful ideal, you have such a kind and giving heart....and you're right for some people this is the only family they have,
so yes it is nice that we can come together when someone needs alittle
help...whether it be a friend, ear, money or a swift kick in the no just kidding..another good ideal, great job Kayla....
Not sure what flavor mine is but it is Aggie Maroon.
Last time I donated, they asked if I had seen a prostitute in the last X years. Can you imagine the dude that would answer "yes"?
guest83109's Avatar
Cathy was telling me what you both do to help others. Is the blood of a shyster worth a damn?
Not sure what flavor mine is but it is Aggie Maroon. Originally Posted by Big Jake
Last time I donated, they asked if I had seen a prostitute in the last X years. Can you imagine the dude that would answer "yes"? Originally Posted by FatManHobbyist
Cathy was telling me what you both do to help others. Is the blood of a shyster worth a damn? Originally Posted by dak

Maybe it is me, or my not being a part of the DFW scene, but you guys seem like real assholes in your posts. Please tell me that there is something critical that I have missed and there is a good reason for the tenor of your replies?


I think what Kayla has mentioned that she does is a pretty good thing to say the least! When we become so callused that not helping others is viewed as being the way one should be then we, as a people, are seriously screwed. We should always help those who are not able to help themselves just like what is written in the Bible in that we should help the widows and orphans of the world which means those who cannot fight for themselves.

Kayla, I understand what you wrote about donating blood but just so you know, the medical community will almost never take blood directly from a donor to give to another directly which is how I took your post about donating. I write almost never because it has been done before but usually the one getting the blood like that dies due to a mismatch or the one giving it dies due to Hypovolemia unless very carefully monitored by a medical professional. Even with O negative blood, one will not be connected directly to another even under the most serious of medical concerns due to the serious risk. So do donate blood but know that it won’t necessarily be your exact blood that another may get.

Fawn, sometimes a swift kick in the ass is exactly what one needs.
I'm being funny. If you don't like my tone tough. I have never asked myself what would Lonesome dove think before I post and I won't start now.

You need to just block me. I won't be judged by you.

Maybe it is me,

Fawn, sometimes a swift kick in the ass is exactly what one needs. Originally Posted by LonesomeDove
It is just you and you do need one.

I already donate blood on a regular basis.
Kelly TNT's Avatar
And.......We're Back on Topic!!

Kayla, I think it's a wonderful thought.

I'm not sure what my blood type is....?

I guess that's something I need to know. Huh!?!

I would also be willing to donate!

~Kelly TNT
I'm being funny. If you don't like my tone tough. I have never asked myself what would Lonesome dove think before I post and I won't start now.

You need to just block me. I won't be judged by you. Originally Posted by Big Jake
It is just you and you do need one.

I already donate blood on a regular basis. Originally Posted by FatManHobbyist
Thank you for answering my question gentleman as I see I was not amiss in my assessment of you two based upon your responses.
Thank you for answering my questions gentleman. I see I was not amiss in my assessment of you two. Originally Posted by LonesomeDove
Guess not. So use the ignore button instead of calling me an asshole. Only makes you look like one. I know this from experience.

Here are Carter Blood Center's guidelines:

• All Donors: Please provide personal photo identification. IDs must be issued by state (DL or ID), school or US government (passport, military ID, resident alien ID, green card or work visa).
• Age: At least 17 years of age and in good general health. There is no upper age limit.
• Weight: Minimum of 110 pounds.
• Medications: Cannot give if currently taking antibiotics for treatment. Cannot give if taking Accutane, Propecia or Proscar. Platelet donors cannot give if taking aspirin. OK to give if taking vitamins, birth control, or medicine for allergies, blood pressure, thyroid replacement, female hormones, anxiety or high cholesterol as well as many other medications.
• Eating: Eat a low-fat meal within 4 hours before giving.
• Drinking: Drink lots of water or juice before and after donating. Avoid alcoholic beverages for 12 hours before and after donating.
• Shots: OK after allergy shots, influenza vaccine, hepatitis A vaccine, tetanus shot.
• Strenuous Activity: Avoid for 12 hours after donating. Individuals with a hazardous or strenuous job should donate at the end of their work shift.
• Cancer: OK to donate after curative treatment for basal cell skin cancer and squamous cell skin cancer. For most solid tumors, including those due to breast cancer, it is OK to give five years after completion of all treatment. Exceptions are noted below.
• Diabetes: OK if controlled by human or porcine insulin, oral medication or diet, and if there is no other diabetes -related kidney disease.

Temporary Disqualifications

• Cold/Flu/Don't feel well: One day symptom free. Deferred until feeling well and healthy.
• Pregnancy: OK to donate six weeks after end of pregnancy.
• Earlobe Piercing: OK to donate, if performed with a single-use device. If not, wait one year.
• Body and Ear Cartilage Piercing: OK to donate, if performed in a Texas state-licensed facility. If not, wait one year.
• Hepatitis B Vaccine: OK to give two weeks after vaccine.
• Tattoo: OK to donate, if performed at a licensed Texas facility otherwise wait one year from date of procedure.
• Last Blood Donation: Eight weeks between whole blood donations. Seven days between platelet donations up to 24 times per year. Sixteen weeks between automated double red cell donations.
• Blood Transfusion or Tissue Transplant: None in the past year.
• Malaria: One year following travel to malarial area as defined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). OK to donate three years after malaria is cured.

Permanent Disqualifications

• AIDS/HIV infection or certain risk factors.
• History of heart attack.
• History of illicit drug use, including steroids, using a needle.
• Human growth hormone injections (pituitary derived).
• Viral hepatitis at age 11 or older.
• Lymphoma, leukemia or melanoma.
• Diabetic who ever took bovine (beef) insulin injections.
• More than three months spent (cumulative) in the United Kingdom between 1980 and 1996.
• More than five years spent (cumulative) in Europe from 1980 to the present.
• If the donor was a member of the U.S. military, a civilian military employee, or a dependent of a member of the U.S. military who spent a total time of 6 months or more associated with a military base in any of the following countries: Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany between 1980
through 1990 or in Spain, Portugal, Turkey, Italy or Greece between 1980 — 1996.
• Recipients of blood transfusions in the U.K. since 1980.
You picked this fight asshole. But I have finished it, because I did block you. One less asshat I have to listen too.

I would never feel comfortable donating blood. We place ourselves in a high risk group.
guest83109's Avatar

I think it might be you. I can only speak about my post, but I intended my first sentence as a complement to Kayla for what she does for others. The second sentence was an effort at self deprecating humor that apparently rubbed you the wrong way. I had no intention to offend, and am certainly willing to help, but agree with your comment regarding not being able to designate the recipient of a blood donation. Perhaps you were a little saddle sore from riding the rough trails when you read my post. Again, a light hearted play on your handle.

Enjoy your day all!
Dak, thank you for your reply. I wasn’t sure what you meant in your original post since I don’t know you. However, I very much appreciate you taking the time to be reasonable in replying to my original post by letting me know what I was missing as I thought that may have been the case. At least you understood where I was coming from which is nice.

Next time I will take what you write as you intend.
I gues Big Jake and I are still deemed to be "assholes"?