Tatoos, Art or ???

69er's Avatar
  • 69er
  • 09-12-2011, 10:37 PM
I've always found Tatoos to be interesting, because in the grand majority of cases, I don't understand what possesses people to want one?! (Or at least the one 'they got'.)

On rare occasions, I've seen what I would consider very "Personal Art". I have a friend who lost a child, and has a tatoo that reminds her of her lost child and her other children. The tatoo was done by someone very good, and was designed for her with several passes done at the art before she was "inked". There is a great deal of symbolism, with much thought behind what was done. This I can understand. It is art. It evokes an emotion for her, and means a great deal to her. I believe this to be a rarity among the tatoos I've seen.

Consider some of the "infamous" tatoos: (I'm sure you've seen these, unless you've been under a Rock for the last 10 years.)

The tramp stamp - some lines and perhaps a simple graphic in the middle at the top of the butt.

The simple graphic at the top of the breast. A cat print, butterfly, etc.

Some words in script, or worse yet in another langauge. I've even heard of some examples where the person who got the tatoo didn't understand the various connotations of the translation, resulting in some very funny looks from those who really understand the language. Not to mention misspellings!

I think calling these "infamous" tatoos art, is an affront to artists everywhere. In most cases they are taken from a book, blown up using a copy machine, and the line drawing transferred to the skin, and traced by the tatooist. (I'm not going to use the term artist here, as I just don't think this is art.)

I've talked with people who got tatoos 25 or 30 years ago, and have only two cases of people who would do it again. Perhaps I'm asking the wrong people, but I think the more likely explanation is that most of the people getting tattoos are not putting much thought into either what they get, or if they want to live with it forever.

These kinds of tatoos are to art, what Two-Buck Chuck is to wine! (The Two-Buck Chuck I've tasted was a shame, as it could have been some pretty decent Welch's Grape Juice, until they ruined it.)

So, what possesses someone to say I want to get a $1 piece of clip art from the wall of the tattoo shop, and pay $50 - $100 for the honor?

I'm pretty sure I'll get a great deal of "but mine is so personal. If you only saw it..." So, feel free to post your tattoo, and say why you think it is art. Then we can come to a consensus of the opinion, Art - Or Not?!

I was going to pick some pictures from showcases, but decided it would only result in hurt feelings, and not further the discussion. So, please no postings of tattoo's or calling people out for their choices, unless they make themselves fair game, by posting their own tattoo's.
Rangerman55's Avatar
Tatoo's are obviously a personal choice & everyone has the right to mark up their body any way they like. But I'm with you; I've never even considered one. I quit drinking years ago so I guess I've just never been that drunk.

To me a tatoo is a scar made with a needle & ink. It's there for the rest of your life unless you pay a lot of money to have it removed. (Does that leave a scar?)

I saw a comment made on a board (maybe this one) a while back that summed it up pretty well for me. "I've never seen a tatoo that improved a woman's appearance".

Obviously, I've seen numerous providers with tatoos. In fact, I think it may be hard to find younger providers that DON'T have them. That may be why I generally see older women these days.
Fort Worth Punk's Avatar
While some tattoos are art, most really aren't. Many try to be, but they are just poorly done, with a poor concept and with little understanding of the basics of composition. This is particularly true of large pieces that have to be done over several sessions. Many artists have trouble picking up where they left off and the result is a bad tattoo.

I don't have a problem with them, but I also would say I have seen very few that didn't detract from the wearer's appearance. At best they can be neutral.

But they aren't always done for appearance. I have 2 small ones intentionally placed where they will not show unless I have my shirt off. They are there for a very specific reason that I doubt most people would understand and that I'd rather not explain. As one of them became less important I chose a covering tattoo that will serve the exact same purpose.
I have a large tattoo on my upper right arm. It wasn't something I got in order to fit in; it's a memorial tattoo, and I did it completely sober, believe it or not! If anyone doesn't like it, they are welcome to skip past me. Their loss for passing me over for a completely petty reason...not the other way around!

I won't post it for identifying reasons (plus, I don't give a flying fuck about anyone's opinion of it) but it is very meaningful to me. I did get a name when I was about 18, but I covered it up with something very symbolic, just a couple years ago. I couldn't give two shits what anyone else thinks about it, if they like it, or if it makes them unhappy. But then again, I got it for me and not for everyone else . For every one person who hates it, there are ten who never even notice it. If your cock is in my mouth and are looking at my arm, I am not doing my job correctly.
Bloodhound's Avatar
I do have to totally agree with your last statement!
Cliche as it sounds, I never let tattoos or the lack of tattoos affect my judgement about an individual. (...or weight, age, ethnicity, education, sexual orientation etc.)

In the case of tattoos, some I like, others not so much. Why judge an individual based on their individual choices? Who really determines what is art? That is a subjective decision, made by the individual.

My folks always taught me that a narrow mind precludes a person from enjoying all that life has to offer...but that's just one way to look at it.

Just my opinion.
Iaintliein's Avatar
So what, exactly, did you hope to accomplish by this thread other than to hurt peoples' feelings?

There is no one reason why anybody does anything, so there is no way your question about what motivates someone to get a tattoo can be answered. Why not ask why people choose not to get one? The answers will be pretty much the same with, who cares, and none of your business topping the list.

Art is subjective, beauty really is in the eye of the beholder. Look at the variety of body types and facial features of the providers here and the variety of photographic styles they choose to represent themselves, the differences are amazing! And yet, each has a clientele and audience.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Oh gosh here we go with this again!!

My thoughts are like the lovely Dannie's

Anyone who does not care for my ink has every right to pass me up, I have lots of clients who love the ink (maybe that's why im still in business) and some just love me for me and want to see me no matter what new ink I have.

All these threads do is hurt peoples feelings and start a shit storm just like the BB and no AA threads.

Im all for speaking your mind but maybe you should be a little more considerate of others when making these posts about your personal views on tattoos, if you hate them you are not a potential client of ours anyway so im not trying to sound mean here but why should we care about how you feel about our tattoos? I doubt your mini rant will ever change the mind of someone who has tattoos or is thinking about getting one.
Personal choice. To each his own. If you want one, get one. If you don't, OK. I find some very sexy. Others (particularly names other than your children) I find ironic, since most of the people I know that have had the name of a boyfriend/girlfriend permanently inked to their body are now with someone else (that's worse than screaming out a former lover's name at THE most inappropriate moment).
Bloodhound's Avatar
Personal choice. Some like em some don't. If you don't like em don't book with those that have em. Should be easy to make everybody happy.
Hercules's Avatar
I've come to like some tats. Some, like Ms Dannie's, are well thought out and done nicely.

However some women get the name of some guy (usually an ex) tattooed in the worst place. Nothing kills a mood faster then going at it doggie style while having a tat that sez; "This Ass Belongs to Joe Blow" bobing to and fro.
Guest091314's Avatar
I love my tatts and to be honest half the time I forget they are there!

To me a tatoo is a scar made with a needle & ink. It's there for the rest of your life unless you pay a lot of money to have it removed. (Does that leave a scar?)

Yes it does leave a scar. Additionally, as we age the laws of gravity come in to play. A beautiful, voluptuous heart become a droopy, deflated balloon.
Are we doing this again? OK I am a convert to Chicks with Ink. I have seen Dannie's arm band and it is art, Jules is a work in progress and looking very good. I do have my favorites like Jacxxx's Fairy Stamp, what a view.
69er's Avatar
  • 69er
  • 09-13-2011, 01:36 PM
While some tattoos are art, most really aren't. Many try to be, but they are just poorly done, with a poor concept and with little understanding of the basics of composition.


I don't have a problem with them, but I also would say I have seen very few that didn't detract from the wearer's appearance. At best they can be neutral. Originally Posted by Fort Worth Punk
I totally agree that the majority I've seen are artistically challenged.

I also think the majority are overall a negative for the wearer's appearance. Note that this doesn't mean I don't like some people with Tattoos, it just means I don't understand their motivation to get a Tattoo.

I have a large tattoo on my upper right arm. It wasn't something I got in order to fit in; it's a memorial tattoo, and I did it completely sober, believe it or not! If anyone doesn't like it, they are welcome to skip past me. Their loss for passing me over for a completely petty reason...not the other way around!

I won't post it for identifying reasons (plus, I don't give a flying fuck about anyone's opinion of it) but it is very meaningful to me. I did get a name when I was about 18, but I covered it up with something very symbolic, just a couple years ago. I couldn't give two shits what anyone else thinks about it, if they like it, or if it makes them unhappy. But then again, I got it for me and not for everyone else . For every one person who hates it, there are ten who never even notice it. If your cock is in my mouth and are looking at my arm, I am not doing my job correctly.
. Originally Posted by Dannie
As I said in my original posting... getting a tattoo that has meaning to the wearer, that I can understand. This seems like a good reason to get one. If it is meaningful to you, sounds like you made a good decision.

As to the "... I couldn't give two shits...", I believe you are kidding yourself. If you didn't care, you wouldn't have put it that harshly. I think you do care, at least somewhat. But I can understand why you are defensive, as a great many people in society do judge based on appearance.

So what, exactly, did you hope to accomplish by this thread other than to hurt peoples' feelings?

There is no one reason why anybody does anything, so there is no way your question about what motivates someone to get a tattoo can be answered. Originally Posted by Iaintliein
I'm not surprised by your attitude. LOL

I don't think less of people with Tattoos. I just find the practice itself, and the reason why people get them interesting. I personally believe that it is somewhat of a "peer pressure" situation for this generation. Other generations have had their acceptable peer pressure practices, I think that is what most Tattoos are today.

I am trying to understand what the drivers are for various people. I never stated there was one answer. Seems like you are a bit sensitive to being judged based on a Tattoo, and don't like that idea. Like it or not, our society is free. This is a double edged sword, having the freedom to do and think what you want, does not mean others are not allowed their own opinion of those actions. So, rather than accuse, I'm trying to see if there are other driving factors here I haven't considered. I am not so arrogant to believe that I have nothing to learn.

Oh gosh here we go with this again!!

My thoughts are like the lovely Dannie's

Anyone who does not care for my ink has every right to pass me up, I have lots of clients who love the ink (maybe that's why im still in business) and some just love me for me and want to see me no matter what new ink I have.

All these threads do is hurt peoples feelings and start a shit storm just like the BB and no AA threads.

Im all for speaking your mind but maybe you should be a little more considerate of others when making these posts about your personal views on tattoos, if you hate them you are not a potential client of ours anyway so im not trying to sound mean here but why should we care about how you feel about our tattoos? I doubt your mini rant will ever change the mind of someone who has tattoos or is thinking about getting one. Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
I'm not judging the character of an individual with a Tattoo. I'm intelligent enough to be able to seperate the way a person looks, from their character.

Perhaps you need to ask, why do you think "All these threads do is hurt peoples feelings and start a shit storm ..."? What I did notice is that you offer no reasons why you like your Tattoos, yet you attack me because I questioned a practice, that you have done. I'm trying to understand if there are motivations I have not considered, and have said nothing to attack anyone in this thread. I've made it a point to not single out people, as I know that is counterproductive. Perhaps you fit the mold you would like to put me into, judging someone based on what is on their skin, or what you are guessing are their opinions. I can understand the defensive posture, and honestly expected some people to lash out at me.

I'd hope you might take this in the manner it was written, As someone looking to get anothers viewpoint. Perhaps you can then offer your reasons for your Tattoos.