From Poppy Toyota

steverino50's Avatar
Ladies and Gentlemen:
Poppy Toyota asked me if I would make this post for him. I am glad to do so.

I had a friend "Guest" my handle today. About 5 weeks ago I met a girl who I really care about. She is quite the catch and I'm blessed things have progressed nicely so far. I don't need the added distraction of the site.

Several of you have helped me in my time of need. I learned not to feel sorry for myself about my health problems. Which are still stable and under control. These last two years have been awesome. I wanted to think each of you for the time we spent together.

The guys: Man you have helped me a lot making sure I didn't go down the wrong road with all the reviews. I always enjoyed talking to everyone.

The Ladies: I don't think any of you could know the impact you've had on me. I kinda regret not being able to see some of you. If things don't work out I'm sure I'll be back raising hell only like I know how to do.

Until then I'm going to work hard on trying to take another step up the ladder on my list of goals.

Lana Warren's Avatar
What a good friend you are! Please pass along to Poppy that I wish him all the luck in the world with this wonderful angel who walked into his life!
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 12-02-2011, 06:54 PM
Thanks Steverino, for posting this message for Poppy.....

I am truly happy for you pop... I hope you find what you have been searching for..May it last for ever...
69er's Avatar
  • 69er
  • 12-02-2011, 08:52 PM

I've met you a few times at socials. I've always thought you seemed like a really thoughtful person from your posts, and when I met you.

I hope that you get what you are wishing for!
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Good luck
  • MRMR
  • 12-02-2011, 10:19 PM
Best Wishes for a happy life with that special one.
I hope we do not see you back and that all is good.
Happy Holiday's to you.
steverino - tell him best of luck and that he can always bring her here and they can play TOGETHER.

the more the merrier!
TexTushHog's Avatar
Congrats, Poppy! Hope all is well with your health and stays that way.
Oh YAY Poppy!

I'm so glad we at least got to meet before you said farewell to this place. Wishing you nothing but the best!
slims099's Avatar
You, my friend, are awesome and I hope you hang in there brotha!
Good luck Poppy wishing you the best you deserve it ...

There are only 2 things in this world that is more important than Money.


I think your new love will help you in BOTH catogories.

Love Makes the Heart Sing.

Hey Poppy glad to have seen you before u left..stay sweet and good...good luck to u and that special someone
Iaintliein's Avatar
Good Luck PT!
But be careful, "Love ain't no square deal".
Poppy you have been a very good friend to me ! You are an awsome man and I truly hope that you have found somebody truly special to spend your time with ! I wish you all the best in the world.