I Think the Raffle was a Great Idea, had it been handled by the Right Person(s)
IMHO, a really nice honest Raffle should ONLY be handled by a Well-Known, Well Respected Provider. And this Provider should NOT do it for free. Let’s say for example: she should get 10% of the take. 1500/150 … 2,000/200 I think that using the numbers in the Texas Lotto will keep the game honest. It was a great way for Hobbyists to get an overnighter or weekend getaway with 1 or 2 or even 3 providers. For married guys, they could split it up into several sessions within a certain time frame. Even though the Raffle ended poorly, that was because of trusting the wrong people, and hobbyists even went as far as not hobbling with all the winning funds. Let a Provider run this, and ya’ll will see how nice it can be. A Provider with a good Reputation, who has a lot to lose if it were not handled correctly. (Let’s take a vote on whom that person should be and ask her?)
Does Texas have anything like this?
If not, there should be enough funds to allow for airfare.
Or Maybe a Casino Weekend Getaway with gambling money
Come on Ladies, Speak up and tell us your thoughts.