The Poison Pill, November 2012

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
It has been brought up on this board a few times. When Obama loses (accept the reality) and the Senate goes to the GOP the democrats will have three months to really wreak havoc before they go. Remember what the Clinton people did to the White House when they left?

Obama and the Senate can approve treaties with the UN on civil liberties, weapons ownership, national borders, ocean treaties, children's rights, etc. All it takes is a majority vote in the Senate and the signature of Obama and it becomes a done deal.

The democrats can also NOT do something in order to piss in the pool for everyone else. Taxageddon is coming in January unless the two houses and the White House extend the Obama tax (formerly known as the Bush tax cuts for the rich) cuts and kill the taxing provisions of Obamacare. This will give the economy a huge shot to the head just as the GOP takes over. In this way Hillary can blame the GOP for what the democrats have done in 2016.

So I ask our leftist friends (and you know who you are) what would be your reaction to such an underhanded maneauver? Just think if it was done by a republican and then how you would feel. Don't be a hypocrite but have some balls and go on the record.
Even if Obama loses by a thin margin and the Senate majority is slim, I don't think the American people will stand for the wholesale changes you speak of.

Of course, it won't stop the wholesale pardoning of shady Chicago libtards.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
Even if Obama loses by a thin margin and the Senate majority is slim, I don't think the American people will stand for the wholesale changes you speak of.

Of course, it won't stop the wholesale pardoning of shady Chicago libtards. Originally Posted by gnadfly
according to the polls, the american people want everybody thrown out, google it