Another dead Wilbury

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25 years ago you could have gotten outstanding odds on Bob Dylan being one of the last two surviving Wilburys. I really believe he has a legit shot at outlasting Jeff Lynne at this point.

Anyway Into the Great Wide Open is a great song and one of the last entertaining videos. It's shocking how healthy Johnny Depp looks in that one. I guess that was before he became a mental case.

I'm going to go listen to Tweeter and the Monkey Man and eat some junk food.
Where is it clarified that Petty is dead?
Next Best Thing's Avatar
I made it up. I started the whole thing. The national media are a bunch of fucking sheep.
Wow, dbag, have fun
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Thanks but I don't need a male lesbian to remind me to have fun and also easy with the name calling please this is a family website.

I remember the first time I saw Tom Petty live. It was a MSG where of course he was a warm up act for his daddy Bob Dylan. This was in the days before the male lesbians were having kids or at least before their kids had grown up to become faggoty SJWs. I was 15 but my parents did not want to raise a sexually ambiguous monster like a lot of you people are so they allowed me to make my own way down there and back with a group of fellow non MLs.

I remember BD a lot more than Tom Petty but I remember the crowd being fairly equally divided. I have no issue with any of Bob's artistic copycats and I feel that among those who tried to duplicate his vocal style Petty was the best, better than Springsteen by a mile.

I'm not happy that he's dead at all but I'm sure he had a fulfilling life. Do yourself a favor and listen to Into the Great Wide Open or even better watch the video. I will do this all day today at work in honor of TP, because unlike what you MLs think I am not fundamentally a monster.
rooster's Avatar
If you want to reminisce or praise Petty, I suggest you do it in this threAd here:

NBT might have started with good intentions. And he did say some nice things about the guy. But he can't keep his idiocy and vitriol under control. Fuck 'im....

Next Best Thing's Avatar
If you want to reminisce or praise Petty, I suggest you do it in this threAd here:

NBT might have started with good intentions. And he did say some nice things about the guy. But he can't keep his idiocy and vitriol under control. Fuck 'im....

. Originally Posted by rooster
The sad thing is that if you could get past taking things personally you may give yourself an opportunity to participate in eulogizing this stranger in a way creative people may actually appreciate. But it's more important to you and people like you to obsess on buzzwords and window dressing. That my friend is a sign of self-destructive stupidity if ever there was one. Also take note that I took not one shot at anyone specifically.

Your thread is better though, I agree.

Whatever you do don't listen to Dirty World, Congratulations, or anything that Petty co-wrote with Bob Dylan for the Traveling Wilburys. That shit is way too complicated.

Handle me with care please.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
The real truth is that Tom Petty became a much better song writer as he got older. If you ever take the time to watch video of some of his later live performances he deteriorated quite a bit as a performer. In retrospect it actually does look like his health was nose diving.

I'll listen to some more Tom Petty tonight before the Yankee game.

I think Bob Dylan has a very real shot at outliving Jeff Lynne, especially if you take a long hard look at Lynne these days. It's hard for me to believe that he used to rail Rosie Vela on the regular.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Leafing through the Wilbury catalog last night, came across Nobody's Child. Superb ode to the average upstate NY shitkicking hook. Nice vocal performance by Petty, really remarkable how much these guys deferred to George Harrison and of course the great Bob Dylan.