Eating crow!

lickidyclit's Avatar
Late August I started a thread about our Bill's gloomy future with McDermott and his staff , at mid point for the season, and an impressive 5&2 record, kudos to the young coach for implementing a tenacious defense and take away ratio that is the envy of the league, I predict at the very least, a wild card playoff spot With a 11&5 finish,your thoughts?
lilylivered's Avatar
Well coached team with midgrade talent. Should have a winning record but injures will hurt them in the long run
Hummer911's Avatar
If we can win 7 out of 8 at home and win 4 or 5 in the road, we make the playoffs. No more let-downs like the Bengals game. Thursday is a "must win".
lickidyclit's Avatar
I feel confident Thursday nights game with the Jets will be chalked up in the w column, the real test will come against Brady & company as usual. They won't beat us with the run game and they are not putting up impressive point's as previous years,so hopefully, with a good pass rush,force some turnovers, no doubt a daunting task for our guy's but this year we definitely have a good chance to at least win one of the two outing's with them.
The Bills will finish the regular season 11 & 5. On January 21st, they'll play in the AFC Championship game at home. Against what team and results TBD!
buffalomw10's Avatar
Coach McDermott is obviously a candidate for coach of the year honors but lets pump the brakes a tad and see how this plays out. The remaining tough games are against the Saints, Pats twice and Chiefs. The somewhat easier games are Jets,Colts Dolphins twice. IMO ,we gotta split with the tougher teams and sweep the easier teams. That's easier said then done but I project a 11and 5 record which should be good enough for wildcard spot. GoBills!
Please disregard my earlier statement.
Highwayman64's Avatar
Things look a bit different this morning! I believe 2011 they started 5-2 then went on to lose the next 6 games
lickidyclit's Avatar
Sure didn't look like the same team that played last Sunday, this is one they should have won!
And back to earth...
Hummer911's Avatar
I hate Thursday games. Still banged up from the week before. Worst idea ever.
All about the revenue!!
Plastic Man's Avatar
so yer fuckin murica hatin ass ...grabbers gots beat

...nows lets just ...pray ta jesus their team ...plane crashes inta the ocean
so yer fuckin murica hatin ass ...grabbers gots beat

...nows lets just ...pray ta jesus their team ...plane crashes inta the ocean Originally Posted by Plastic Man
PM, I didn't realize you are a football fan. Are you old enough to remember this? (I am) You must have been a happy little boy watching the plastic guys moving all over the field!
lickidyclit's Avatar
Don't think any team would have stood a chance against the jet's last night, their defense was on fire!