Main Discussion Forum Is Where?

January Maye's Avatar
This was a forum I used to enjoy reading. When I had a question about something that was referenced a couple of times and I did not know what it was, I would LOOK IT UP! This forum has a sudden increase in LAZY OP questions?

Maybe the main discussion forum is buried underneath the shitpile of words that are dropping out of sentences nowadays. Maybe Im finally the age where one turns total curmudgeon, who knows? But the influx of new members who are joining lately seem emboldened to make a mockery this membership.

- January Maye
It's not that you've turned into a curmudgeon, it's that emojis and texting shortcuts have replaced the English language on Eccie and in society in general.

The ladies I know say that they wish they could backcharge the sender every time they receive a "Wassup?", "RUAvail?", or "K".

If you ever find yourself thinking of wandering to the Austin / San Antonio direction, please give me a head's up. (Not during SXSW, please!) You look like someone worth meeting!
Solemate62's Avatar
Really, this is not suppose to be the Yale Law Review. I take the approach of skipping over, bypassing an opinion written if I feel that it is going to be of no interest to me or if it appears to be written by a dolt! But that’s me!
Alyssa Monroe's Avatar
This was a forum I used to enjoy reading. When I had a question about something that was referenced a couple of times and I did not know what it was, I would LOOK IT UP! This forum has a sudden increase in LAZY OP questions?

Maybe the main discussion forum is buried underneath the shitpile of words that are dropping out of sentences nowadays. Maybe Im finally the age where one turns total curmudgeon, who knows? But the influx of new members who are joining lately seem emboldened to make a mockery this membership.

- January Maye Originally Posted by January Maye
