Showcase Photos that make you say, "Really?"

Here's my favorite:

A $400 per hour lady describes herself as "upscale, sophisticated, and high-end" and her showcase photos are all taken in a $49-a-night hotel. (Yes, we can tell).
tonytiger4u's Avatar
I have said "Really?" for a different reason. As in "I can get this fox for $$.5? Really?" Where do I sign up?

Here's my favorite:

A $400 per hour lady describes herself as "upscale, sophisticated, and high-end" and her showcase photos are all taken in a $49-a-night hotel. (Yes, we can tell). Originally Posted by JDNorthface

+ if she is wearing lingerie from forever21, some heauxs assume guys are ignorant about luxury apparel it annoys me when i see "upscale" in cheap ass lingerie. If you are going to fake until you make it at east get something from VS.

but that's just me being uber-superficial
Here's my favorite:

A $400 per hour lady describes herself as "upscale, sophisticated, and high-end" and her showcase photos are all taken in a $49-a-night hotel. (Yes, we can tell). Originally Posted by JDNorthface

Yeah that makes no sense to me to charge premium price and then end up being a mo-ho.

But I have gotten comments saying " I can't believe those are recent pics," or " They must not be accurate" because " you look younger than 44" Which I guess is a compliment, but I don't like being accused of having fake photos or old photos.
Still Looking's Avatar
Yeah that makes no sense to me to charge premium price and then end up being a mo-ho.

But I have gotten comments saying " I can't believe those are recent pics," or " They must not be accurate" because " you look younger than 44" Which I guess is a compliment, but I don't like being accused of having fake photos or old photos. Originally Posted by alluringava
I'm a believer!
I'm a believer! Originally Posted by Still Looking

I can still at least do the splits.
Yeah that makes no sense to me to charge premium price and then end up being a mo-ho.

But I have gotten comments saying " I can't believe those are recent pics," or " They must not be accurate" because " you look younger than 44" Which I guess is a compliment, but I don't like being accused of having fake photos or old photos. Originally Posted by alluringava
I can still at least do the splits. Originally Posted by alluringava
I believe too Back on topic JD there are tons more
In my neck of the woods, on the Las Vegas part of the Nevada message board, all the most beautiful, stunning women in Las Vegas advertise for 150.00 an hour. It's probably just to get her to walk through the door and she'll quote you 1000. Because there's no way a chick that beautiful will go for 150 an hour. And none of them have any reviews. None.
I used to only put professional pics on my showcase, but I decided to put a mixture on there...My showcase is really random, but so is my personality and because I am really down to earth and "real" with my clients I'm not bothered that I have some pics from my phone or random ones on there, because at the end of the day I know I am going to give them a great experience and they will leave happy regardless
Half of my pics are done professionally, the other half taken by a friend. I don't like those super glamourized photos because they don't represent the real me. I don't need a makeup artist, hair stylist, and all that jazz to look good in a photo. Except for the car photos, even my pro photos are not retouched in any way.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
In my neck of the woods, on the Las Vegas part of the Nevada message board, all the most beautiful, stunning women in Las Vegas advertise for 150.00 an hour. It's probably just to get her to walk through the door and she'll quote you 1000. Because there's no way a chick that beautiful will go for 150 an hour. And none of them have any reviews. None. Originally Posted by alluringava
Backpage girls, oh yeah....tons of them. Not here though.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Half of my pics are done professionally, the other half taken by a friend. I don't like those super glamourized photos because they don't represent the real me. I don't need a makeup artist, hair stylist, and all that jazz to look good in a photo. Except for the car photos, even my pro photos are not retouched in any way. Originally Posted by alluringava
Ditto. Same here.

I have a combination of professional and amateur pics.

As for Lingerie, I'm lol'in @ forever 21. I didn't know they carried lingerie and adults shopped there. I always shop at VS because it's more convienient. In Charlotte, we don't have Fredricks (which sucks!) but VS does it for me. However, in my new pics, I'm wearing a sexy Agent Provacateur number. I can't wait to have finals!

To the OP, as for taking pics in a motel and charging a premium -- I think those ladies know that we can tell - they just don't care.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
I have said "Really?" for a different reason. As in "I can get this fox for $$.5? Really?" Where do I sign up?

Originally Posted by tonytiger4u
Its sure refreshing to know some guys still see the glass as half full!
Nothing like a positive attitude, this ladies is the kind of person you want to see
DallasRain's Avatar
Here's my favorite:

A $400 per hour lady describes herself as "upscale, sophisticated, and high-end" and her showcase photos are all taken in a $49-a-night hotel. (Yes, we can tell). Originally Posted by JDNorthface

also when they take pics and their background is trashy and unkempt!
as long as i see something besides the cartoon figure that definitely aint you......u aint gotta show me the face or pussy face but dang it let a brotha know whats behind the door before i get there...