Would this change the way you provide/hobby?

Scarlet O'Shea's Avatar
So I came across an interesting article this morning HIV and syphilis biomarkers: Smartphone, finger prick, 15 minute diagnosis

The subject is a device that connects to your smartphone/computer and is able to test for HIV/Syphillus in under 15 minutes. This can be done because these tests are done via blood. Gonorrhea/Chlamydia requires cultures that take a few days to grow, so no hope for speedy testing there, yet.

So the question is...If this became commercially available in the US would providers start requiring such a test before service, hell would hobbyists start requiring a test?
I hate big brother, why would I want to become him.
I want to say I would use it.
ck1942's Avatar
Definitely all the street people and their patrons ought to have these devices available.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 02-05-2015, 07:50 AM
They should install mobile testing stations outside bars, clubs & strip joints.

Imagine an old time phone booth...walk in, get your finger pricked...walk out with your life devastated or ready to party depending on the result!

You could market the testing booths as "DEAD OR ALIVE"? It could be coin operated.

"2 bits to see if your life is worth 2 bits"

High volume Hoogars could add the cost of the test to their rates! Both get all clear before session and then it's happy times!

Think about it...
Wait, ck i don't understand what you are saying.
Why street people?
Scarlet O'Shea's Avatar
They should install mobile resting stations outside bars, clubs &,strip joints.

Imagine an old time phone booth...walk in, get your finger pricked...walk out with your life devastated or ready to party depending on the result!

You could market the testing booths as "DEAD OR ALIVE"? It could be coin operated.

"2 bits to see if your life is worth 2 bits"

High volume Hoogars could add the cost of the test to their rates! Both get all clear before session and then it's happy times!

Think about it... Originally Posted by Toyz

You know, some people would just like to have a nice civilized discussion without any tacky jokes.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 02-05-2015, 08:12 AM
You know, some people would just like to have a nice civilized discussion without any tacky jokes. Originally Posted by Miss Scarlet
Please accept my heartfelt apologies & by all means carry on with the civilized discussion regarding STDs passing between prostitutes and their clientele.

Take the jokes out of my statement and consider the premise on merit. Mobile, private testing facilities with no traceable history to the person taking the test. Getting your result with no ID attached or fear of HIPA violations.

Place these testing facilities in proximity to locations where spur of the moment sex might occur.

Carry on.
I would use it for myself for sure. Seems like it would/could be a useful screening tool as well. My question would be how would/could the information be stored and shared. Being that privacy in regards to real names is an issue here. On another note, another app I would have to explain to my family. I e dl ready had to wriggle my way out of why I have google voice-).
wingnut512's Avatar
Hmm, testing for two of the ump-teen std's is a pretty low percentage. Two is more than zero, but it doesn't make the encounter std free.
Scarlet O'Shea's Avatar
Hmm, testing for two of the ump-teen std's is a pretty low percentage. Two is more than zero, but it doesn't make the encounter std free. Originally Posted by wingnut512
It is a small percentage, but it's definitely two of the scarier ones. Just seemed like an interesting concept to me.
Mr Peabody's Avatar
Then how about an automated psychological exam where the subject is shown pictures and asked questions by the cellphone while attached to bluetooth enabled lie detector monitors. Essentially a portable batcrap-crazy-o-meter.
I bet I could sell these for at least $37.50 each.
While I invent this, I will make sure there is a cryptic back door that would allow me to pass it unscathed.
Seriously, which type of health problem is of greater concern to you.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 02-05-2015, 11:29 AM
Mr P, most know they are BSC already...they just won't acknowledge it.

A test would be pointless...

Now if the results were shared here regarding all posters, THAT would be funz.
Mr Peabody's Avatar
Toyz, with your keen BSC insight, I wager that you could come up with such an online psycho test here which us mongers could use to prove that we are not rape & pillage savages.

If you decide to do this, please leave the panda suit question out of it.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Well, since e'ery test has sum chance o' putting' out a false posse-tiff OR a false neggy-tiff, how wuld ennybuddy feel 'bout poss'bly bonin' sumbuddy whut had a false neggy-tiff fer them afflicktshuns? An would tha tester be roundt guiltee and legally liable fer violation' HIPAA if'n they toldt utha folks 'bout tha testee's results, 'speshully if'n it turnt out ta be a false posse-tiff.