Remember Guys - Whores Are Not Your Friends!! They Will Destroy your Life!!!

FuzzyMcDice55's Avatar
These whores are not your friends. They are lying, thieving, broken people hand picked by Satan and commissioned with the task to destroy innocent families. I was once a great father and a loving husband, but these whores with their hypnotic ways transformed me into a "hobbyist", and for many a years I enjoyed the company of many wrenches; young, old, skinny, fat, black, white. I got reckless and finally my wife, blinded by her love for me, discovered my evil ways.

My wife hates me. The kids don't talk to me. My dog ran away. My truck broke down. My hair fell out and I've had to buy bigger pants. I don't have a retirement fund because the money that should have gone there went to whores who probably blew it on expensive purses, abortions, trips to Belize, and their fatherless babies. I really wanted to go to Belize when I retired. Now I'll be lucky if I go to Branson.

Because of my shame, I only jerk off with coarse sand paper while looking at the lingerie section of the old Sears catalogs I've had since the 70s, while clutching my wife's dirty panties up to my nose. It is the most action I've had in some time. I save my cum and secretly pour it into my wife's morning coffee-that way it at least ends up in someone's mouth.

I hate you all, whore and hobbyist. I know I'm not supposed to hate, I think it says that somewhere in the Bible that I intend to read someday. Maybe I will learn to love you and forgive you all for turning me into the monster that destroyed my life.

I wish you all bad luck in the future. For the hobbyists, your dicks will shrivel up and go limp, your balls will look like tiny raisins covered in fur, and you will shoot dust out of your cocks if you do cum, but hopefully you will suffer from a never ending case of blue balls. Your encouragement on the boards pushed me to continue with my wicked ways much longer than I should have. For the hookers, I hope all your clients leave you with nothing but counterfeit bills and Bed, Bath, and Beyond coupons, if they bother to leave anything at all. All the condoms break and they leave baby batter deep in your rotten pussies, the way God intended. And the stretch marks across your fat asses and bellies continue to darken and expand, looking much like topographic maps.

Anyone out there reading this tale currently considering joining the hobby, please don't. You will find much more happiness at home with your wife/husband and your children than with your bare cock deep inside some 18 year olds tainted cunt. Plus, the fewer hobbyists in the market place, the fewer tricks a whore could see, which should drop the rates for those who continue to monger. Those hobbyists will appreciate it if you just stayed home so they can continue with their self destruction.

So stay home and save yourselves!! Don't end up like me, a miserable old man who cries every morning due to the disappointment of waking for another day.
Kill yourself... life is hopeless... go die!
Treetop78759's Avatar
That was a pretty good rant. I noticed that you didn't mention something else.

What is your opinion of human trafficking of sex slaves in all the AMPs in our area?
winn dixie's Avatar
What a pathetic sack of shit! Boo Hoo!!!! You sad sack. This place is for real men, not whiny little losers like you
DentBick's Avatar
chicagoboy's Avatar
You will find much more happiness at home with your wife/husband and your children than with your bare cock deep inside some 18 year olds tainted cunt. Originally Posted by FuzzyMcDice55
How about contact info for those rawdogging 18-year-olds?
FuzzyMcDice55's Avatar
How about contact info for those rawdogging 18-year-olds? Originally Posted by chicagoboy
Have a chat with TronHorn356. He is your man. Performs a great service to the commumity.
FuzzyMcDice55's Avatar
What is your opinion of human trafficking of sex slaves in all the AMPs in our area? Originally Posted by Treetop78759
These poor unfortunate souls obviously performed some wicked task in a prior life and is being punished in this one. Hopefully, they will learn from it and earn a much better life in the next one.
Oh good lord, it's in two places...
Tequila Rose's Avatar
Well okay then.
DocHolyday's Avatar
Hey OP, may I suggest switching from the coarse sandpaper to 1500 wet sandpaper. I think you will get more pleasure from it and get your member exfoliated at the same time as an added bonus. Your current choice must leave you a bloody mess!!!
As bad as the OP's rant above is, it is a far better thread than another OIO's threAD on "where is the line between fetish and a regular session?" or some other nonsense. Where's SL when we need him?

Kudos to the OP for sharing his deep and depressing thoughts on the hobby, and BTW what is the number for those "those rawdogging 18-year-olds?"
The OP posted in the WW saying he just ended a long-term relationship and he's here to hobby. Make up your fucking mind, sir.
Stewie griffen's Avatar
The OP posted in the WW saying he just ended a long-term relationship and he's here to hobby. Make up your fucking mind, sir. Originally Posted by Claire She Blows
Quiet you, dont you know your place. Foul mouthed temptress....
The OP posted in the WW saying he just ended a long-term relationship and he's here to hobby. Make up your fucking mind, sir. Originally Posted by Claire She Blows
I think your observation is spot on. The OP has found a new and very unique way to impress all the providers here as to what a keen and enjoyable client he will be to see for BCD sessions. Bet his in-box will be overflowing from ladies wishing to hear more about his views and perspectives on the hobby

Some newbies find it hard to become established, the OP may have just raised the bar a quite bit on that one... Just saying.