Posting in multiple city's?

Juicy Delights's Avatar
How do I post in different city's? In the same weekly forum just in different city's, or is there a certain place? Thanks just don't want to get in any trouble for posting in the wrong spot....
Orii Grande's Avatar
Do you know if you have to wait 7 days before you post in another city or do you only have to wait 7 days to post per city?
ck1942's Avatar
Per the ad guidelines, you may post one ad per week in the weekday ad forums in as many as five separate cities, so, as an example, you could post in Dallas, Austin, San Antonio, Houston, West Texas.

imo, you should be careful if doing so in order to make sure folks know which city/cities you are actually in during that span.

But the limit of one ad per week in a single city still stands.
Orii Grande's Avatar
Thank you