I think the next time I go to the doctor; I am going to request medicine for high blood pressure and an upgrade in my Xanax prescription.
I am now up to 3 cats and 2 dogs.
My next home should be bigger with a yard.
This Saturday (13Aug2011), I was on my way home from the gym when I found a stray dog. This dog is poodle and he looks like Lamb Chop.
I found the owner on Sunday (14Aug2011) and she did not want him back. Her and her boyfriend bad mouthed my dog and said things that were not true. Sounds like my life. People who cannot control me have bad mouthed me.
The poodle gets along with all my animals. On Saturday he did want to lift his leg at everything including me!
Business is slow and bills are late. I still am trying to save for a down payment on a car. First thing is first I must save up inoculations for my dogs. The poodle and chiweenie need to get spayed and neutered.