Is this Appreciated?

Guest091314's Avatar
Obviously I have made a few changes, one that I have noticed has upset a few that have contacted me. After going over it again and again in my head I feel compelled to ask.

How do you feel about women that are Highly Selective of who they see?

Selective meaning that if EVERYTHING is not perfectly to her liking you will not be meeting.So picky that it reminds you of Texas employment laws (Where you can get fired for any given reason at any given time.) On the other hand in return you still get to be with the one you want and be treated as you wish.

Are these ladies considered...
A. Snobby
B. A keeper
C. Not my style

NO naming specific people please if your thinking negative on this, just looking for some interesting conversation

cowboy45's Avatar
It's your business. It's also your life. You have the right and the obligation to protect yourself and that means doing your screening and setting the parameters of who you want to see, how many, what rate and what requirements are in place for those meetings. Do NOT let any man, on this board, or otherwise, dictate to you what may be in your best interest. Also consider their advice, which may be excellent or not so great, just what it is, a recommendation that you may or may not need to consider.
Make your own choices, do what's best for you and your business.
Sleepy363's Avatar
It's definitely up to the provider on who she sees, but for me, I am here to get laid, not to go through a job interview. If I have to jump through a bunch of hurdles to see if I'm worthy, it's too much of a hassle and not worth it.
CoHorn's Avatar
Stick to your guns and do what you think is best. You don't have to explain to anyone what your reasons are.
Your choice...if you're not comfortable with the guy, we'll know it and nobody wants a shitty appointment.
TexasDave555's Avatar
So long as you are up front about it and ask your questions etc before he shows up at the door, that's cool. If he shows up only to find out you have 'issues' with something that could have been handled ahead of time that would tend to create problems for some.

If he shows up with his ass dripping crack juice and looking like an unmade bed with green teeth, those are acceptable door rejections...

But if you say have an issue with race.. that can be taken care of ahead of time. Same thing with weight, height (too tall/too short) or any special needs like say hes in a wheel chair or has some other handicap.

Just be polite and respectful during your screening process and don't flip out on someone if they won't produce a photo ahead of time or some other silly request that puts his privacy at risk.

It might put some dudes noses out of joint, but its not like Dallas doesn't have plenty of pussy to pay for and while I am sure yours is just as good as anyone elses, there is nothing you can provide that others can't who will see them so all the drama around selectivity is just silly. I don't think it would make you any more desirable to the masses because most of us are savvy enough not to buy into the believe everything you read about low volume or selectiveness etc... because its impossible to verify. Sounds nifty though like a nice sales slogan.

Just do it ahead of time.... before wasting both your and his time.
I have reached my hobby Goals, now I am just here and playing in DFW for the f**k of it!

Then you should move to Dallas and set some new goals. It is always the ladies choice.
If people have a proble with that - tough.
pyramider's Avatar
See who you want to see. You are under no obligation to see anyone.
LazurusLong's Avatar
Strict screening, up to a point, is a good thing.

Of course, any cop could get through the toughest screening ever thought of because otherwise such things as undercover work would not exist.

P411 is simply a starting point. I know I am not alone in hoping that very little more than that is needed for a provider to see me but if she wants more than I am willing to share, I move on.

And if I choose to not provide what she needs, that is MY problem, not hers.

Your choices are limited in that I think way too many providers are very lax in screening and that is why ProviderBuzz and this site Alert forum gets so many posts.

But once a guy has been around and established himself over time, getting a PM here, P411, and even checking to see if other providers he has reviewed only not chosen to use as references can't hurt.

I would have to say a split between a keeper and not my style (if she wants way too much I am not willing to provide).
LucadeJure's Avatar
First, you a well within your rights deciding who you allow into your world Anastasia. It is a two way street because initial contact is made by the gentlemen, usually.
Second, those you decline to meet are acting childish if they give you grief over your decision and you've made the correct choice in declining to see them.
Third, that makes you a keeper in my opinion.

Perhaps I am fortunate as I have never been declined by a Provider I have chosen to see.
A simple YES or NO asap will do.
Don't waste my time and i won't waste yours.
end of story. Like chippers Quote says:
there are OVER 450 providers in Dallas, on P411.
make me feel happy that i picked you.

I agree with most guys here, it is a free country and it is your right to choose who you want to see. It also goes without saying that the guys can also pick and choose who they want to see, the biggest difference is the fact that the guy is the one paying and most of the time, driving to your incall. When the guys contact you, by phone, email or PM, and you both agree that you want to get together, as you have properly screened him and he wants to spend his money on you, then when he gets there and you are not "physically attracted" to him, (that donation should make you at least pretend to be), or there is something you do not feel comfortable with that you could not detect over the phone or whatever, and you deny the session at that time, then expect a bad review or something to that effect to happen.

As far as denying the session during the contact, or even refusing to at least respond to my initial contact that I wanted to see you, then as I have said, it is a free country and if I was that guy, then when I do go see a provider that "will have me", I would probably PM the review to you with the donation highlighted and in bold. I would DEFINITELY send the review to you if I got ready and drove all the way out to see you and you double booked and I was the 2nd guy, or you NCNS me, unless you contacted me right away, apologized and offered a "make-up session".

However, I would "appreciate" that you did not waste MY time by going ahead and doing the appointment and it being a bad session. Some providers set and go through to the appointment do that because they are all about the money, (but if the guy writes a review and does not recommend, sure, you gained that donation from him, but, in many cases, you MAY have lost several potential clients that wanted to see you before reading that bad review).
gashpump's Avatar
1. Your safety is paramount.

2. Given #1, I'm sure that you take into consideration the fact that the more restrictions placed on consumer access, the fewer consumers will seek your service. This will have a direct negative consequence on cash flow. It's the same in any business.

It's the same as that law of physics - for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
Guest091314's Avatar
I must have worded it all biggest flaw LOL!

Lately I have developed this picky attitude but did not inherit the rudeness that comes with the territory. I have had some of the most childish replys to my denials.

Sure I deny request for "small" things but those small things are big to me. Like not having your p411 profile filled out, Introductions like "hey babe, wanna cum?" are the biggest turn off ever. If I get the wrong vibe to begin with..nothing is going to happen.
that is hobby etiquette and if they do not have it, then you should deny them and if they have that little of a brain to spew out that childish stuff on their first contact, they should not even be here.