Booking a hotel room

rainbow6's Avatar
Whats the best way to go about booking a room without using a card linked to my bank account?
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Not going to happen in a decent hotel.
Try prepaid cards..
grayturner's Avatar
Bluebird from American Express.
No load fee if done at Walmart
and no maintenance fee.
Whats the best way to go about booking a room without using a card linked to my bank account? Originally Posted by rainbow6
Have HER do it!!
mister_twinkies's Avatar
Have HER do it!! Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
i agree
  • Luxie
  • 06-28-2017, 05:59 PM
Prepaid cards. Or, give her the money first so she can book the hotel.
Prepaid cards. Or, give her the money first so she can book the hotel. Originally Posted by Luxie
I can't tell you how many times that was a shitty idea!!
pyramider's Avatar
Almost as bad as this thread,
Almost as bad as this thread, Originally Posted by pyramider
Good thing there are two of them...The one in Oklahoma is MUCH better!!
pyramider's Avatar
That is a real low standard.
  • Luxie
  • 06-29-2017, 08:58 AM
This is why booking with established providers is best over a random fly by night Backpage provider. As someone on the other end, I would never book a hotel room before getting the money for it first. I do not provide incall unless I'm traveling so if a client needs that.... It's on him to figure it out.