Comic book fans

KingCobra36's Avatar
Anyone else out there a comicbook nerd like me? If so, have you seen "Civil War" and what'd you think?
TheCat'sMeow's Avatar
Civil War was soooooo boring,,,Black Panther was a let-down and didn't do much except showcase his bland martial arts,,,Spider Man was the most interesting character of the bunch but his voice was annoying as hell,,,Buckey is the most boring character,,,Ant Man was in the wrong movie. Batman versus Super Wimp was better.
Stevensegal's Avatar
The reviews on rotten tomatoes are good so far. The movie is on my radar to see next week.
I enjoyed the movie. I was worried it wouldn't be very good because the comic story was so long and involved it needed many issues across several titles to tell. The changes they made to make it fit in a 2.5 hour film worked for me.
rxram03's Avatar
I found it to be an ok movie. I too was concerned on the storyline since the comic story is pretty big. There are some holes in it though, not a lot but a couple. I do think this is the weakest Marvel villain that we've had thus far. When Whiplash from Iron Man 2 and what's his face from Ant-Man are better villains then you've got problems.
Roger.Smith's Avatar
I'll go watch it on a weekday afternoon sometime this week. I always thought the Civil War storyline in the comics was overhyped with too many characters passing the idiot ball, but anything is better that what Zack Snyder does. I wanted Batman vs. Superman to fail, not because I have anything against DC, I just wanted to see Zack Snyder fired. 300 is the only good movie he's made.
I dunno how I'd rate it. It was a fun flick. Agree with CatsMeow about Black Panther & Spiderman. Think Garfield was better at Spidey, too.
But, Bucky & Cap v Iron Man was pretty intense, especially when they go to wailin' on Iron Man with the Shield.
Best line: Stank! Table for one!
olivevet84's Avatar
Just came back from seeing it. I enjoyed it. I really liked Black Panther and the new SpiderMan. Can't wait to watch their stand alone movies.

XMen movie on the 27th is next~!!!
For comic book fans (present & past) June's (3-5) Fan Expo (Comic Con Dallas) promises a little "something extra".......if, of course, you're into the Ultimate Geek Out:

Tickets went on sale (this morning in fact) to enjoy something (some might call) a pretty cool thing. The legendary Stan Lee is coming to Big D and will be the keynote speaker; venue also includes a buffet breakfast, meet & greet, autograph / selfies opportunities, doubt, you've seen the multitude of cameos he's appeared in per all the Marvel Universe movies (All, right? I can't recall one he's not made an appearance....?)

Anyways....the 93-year old Lee is still sharp as a whip (if you've ever done a search per any of the interviews he's given). I'll bet he's got more than a few good stories....(tickets for this special event are $300, btw......)

Lastly, word has it (Star Trek's) William Shatner, George Takei and Michelle Nichols will be appearing, too, at CCD.....
elcalifa's Avatar
Great movie, probably top 3. Avengers, 1st iron man (mostly because of RD jr). It was a bit long but the civil war fight scene was spot on. Love aunt bee casting.