The Student Loan Thing......

Double post.
HoustonMilfDebbie's Avatar
As far as "the student loan thing" goes, just ask the graduates who work for one of the banking cartels at a little above minimum wage (maybe 9 or 10 bucks per hour). . .geeze. . .I can make more money waiting tables! And these young men and women have loans to pay to the "cartel". If you don't like air conditioned work for minimum wage, just go work for another cartel owned oil company. ..they hire felons for 100,000 per year! You might be better off going to prison for awhile.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar're getting silly now. I have student loans and I think this is ridiculous on the part of Obama. It may not even be constitutional and won't go into play until after the election. I signed a document when I was 17 years old that said I would abide by the terms of the contract, an elistment contract. This students are, for the most part, 18 years of age. They are legally adults and should be held to their contracts. Banks and lending institutions count these loans are part of their assets. Just like the Saving and Loan disastor back in the 80s this too will be a disastor. If you have a lending institution with $300 million in outstanding student loans and then with a stroke of a tyrant's pen that becomes $180 million then the lending institution and their stock holders just lost money.