Encounter: Submissive slut

User ID: na
Date: 1/20/24
Name: Adrianna
Phone: See ad
Email Address: na
URL / Website: https://escortalligator.com.listcraw...stin/163423495
City: Austin
State: Texas
Address: South austin
Activities: Hair pulling, dirty talk, groping, fiv, bbbj, dt, cw, cot
Hair Length and Color: Dirty blonde, past shoulders
Age: 24
Smoking Status: Non-Smoker
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: Amazing curvy (not fat) figure, big tits, big ass, on the shorter side
Recommendation: Hell yes!
  • PaulA
  • 01-28-2024, 11:51 AM
Ad looks fake as does this review
I can understand that, but definitely not fake. She requires everyone she sees to be Snapchat verified so the proof is in the pudding as they say. I should have spent more time writing the review but I was being lazy. Full disclosure: we did get along great and I wrote this review so others would try her out and I definitely hope it helps her out. Nothing wrong with that.

Feel free to PM me if you're interested.

Oh and yes! Her ad is the so fake looking lol. That's why I was blown away with this experience. That is 100% her.
This screams fake.
The best part is when you realize this actually happened and all the other chicks are boring af (there are some standouts). This chick is on the Dallas level.
Those pics are of Gabbie Carter the pornstar. Nice try Eric!

Oddly enough Gabbie is in Austin and available but unless you dropped $2k/hr you didn’t see her. Plus those pics are of her 3 years ago prior to having a baby.
Idk why you guys are so insistent that I'm lying. Do alot of guys come on here and try and set you up? I've been on the site (in the past) for many years and I only saw a handful of fake reviews. To be fair, I'm not sure why I'm defending this so much either, other than I'm not a liar.

Again, I can see how the review lacks authenticity, but I just wrote it off the cuff. I don't go for LFK and cuddling. I'm into sluts. This chick loves to be treated like one. If you don't like that, I'm sure there are plenty of chicks you can see.

I tineyed all three of those photos and got no results? Am I doing something wrong? Drop a link to those photos showing they are some pornstar.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Guys, play nice.
Btw, Gabbie has quite a few tats
She’s steals photos from cam model libbyshepard